Monday 9 December 2013

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, “Bad Eggs" Review (2x12)

Brief Synopsis: “The students are given eggs to look after to teach them about the responsibilities of parenthood. Between trying to protect her egg and dealing with the vampire brothers, Lyle and Tector Gorch, Buffy doesn't notice that her egg is about to hatch.”

Friday 6 December 2013

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, “Ted" Review (2x11)

Brief Synopsis: “Buffy has parental issues when Joyce comes home with a boyfriend, the computer expert and master chef, Ted, whose charming personality impresses everyone. Everyone except Buffy that is, who is not at all willing to give her mother up to someone new. Even Willow and Xander seem to love him, and Buffy must find a way to prove that her fears about Ted are something more than simple jealousy.”

Thursday 5 December 2013

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, “What's My Line Part One & Two" Review (2x09 & 2x10)

Brief Synopsis: “It's ‘career week’ at Sunnydale High, and Buffy is faced with the reality that she has no future apart from her destiny as the Slayer. Meanwhile, in order to stop Buffy from interfering in his plans, Spike wants to make the Slayer’s lack of a future a reality by sending a group of assassins after her called ‘The Order of Taraka’. Plus, Xander and Cordelia are trapped in Buffy's house after being attacked by one of the assassins.”

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, “The Dark Age" Review (2x08)

Brief Synopsis: “The secrets of Giles' dark past come back to haunt him when an old friend turns up dead in Sunnydale. As a troubled youth, Giles (known then as "Ripper") and his friends summoned a demon called Eyghon, The Sleepwalker. Now, Eyghon has returned and is hunting down the people who used to raise him for their amusement. The only two left are Ethan Rayne...and Rupert Giles.”

Monday 2 December 2013

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, “Lie To Me" Review (2x07)

Brief Synopsis: “Ford, an old friend of Buffy's from L.A., shows up unexpectedly in Sunnydale and seems to know that she is the Slayer. When Xander, Willow, and Angel discover that he is involved with a cultish group of disillusioned people who idolise vampires, they must find out Ford's true agenda before it's too late.”

Saturday 30 November 2013

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, “Halloween" Review (2x06)

Brief Synopsis: “On Halloween Buffy, Willow, and Xander are "volunteered" by Principal Snyder to take groups of kids trick-or-treating. Buffy seizes the opportunity to impress Angel by dressing as a woman from the time when he was human. After most of the kids in Sunnydale magically become whatever they were dressed as, it is up to soldier-Xander and ghost-Willow to find a way to break the spell and defend Buffy, who is now a weak and frail 18th century noblewoman.”

Thursday 28 November 2013

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, “Reptile Boy" Review (2x05)

Brief Synopsis: “Giles is pushing Buffy in her Slayer training, her mother's rules are becoming more and more strict, and Angel is growing more over-protective. Buffy is feeling pulled apart. When Cordelia's college crush shows up on campus with a friend who has eyes for Buffy, Cordelia convinces Buffy to go with her to a frat party. But the party soon turns sinister, and Buffy learns the connection between the fraternity and the local girls who have recently gone missing. Xander, Giles, Angel, and Willow must crash the party before all Hell breaks loose.”

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, “Inca Mummy Girl" Review (2x04)

Brief Synopsis: “While on a field trip to the local museum, one of the students breaks a ceramic seal in the coffin of an Incan mummy. The mummy rises and must consume the life-force of others in order to remain alive and retain her human appearance. She tries to fit in with the students at Sunnydale, and even starts to develop real feelings for Xander. But when Buffy, Willow, and Giles realise who and what she really is, they have to rescue Xander before he becomes the mummy’s next victim.”

Monday 25 November 2013

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, “School Hard" Review (2x03)

Brief Synopsis: “A dangerous new vampire named Spike comes to town, hoping to use the power of the Hellmouth to restore his love, Drusilla, to health. He has killed two Slayers before, and he decides to make Buffy the third, attacking Sunnydale High on ‘Parent Teacher Night’. Buffy must find a way to stop Spike and his vampire minions, lead her mom and the other parents and students to safety, and keep them from finding out that she is the Slayer.”

Saturday 23 November 2013

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, “Some Assembly Required" Review (2x02)

Brief Synopsis: “The bodies of several recently deceased teenage girls are stolen from their graves, and most of the parts are discovered in a dumpster on school grounds. From the missing pieces, the gang deduces that someone has collected almost enough parts to build their own girl. Now, all they need is a head, and it has to be fresh.”