
About Me

Coming soon.


  1. What is "Shangel"?

    1. Hi,

      'Shangel' is me. My real name is Shane and I'm (obviously) a big fan of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and "Angel". My friends started calling me 'Shangel' (a hybrid of 'Shane' and 'Angel'), and it just sort of stuck :)

      - Shangel

  2. Hello,
    Will you be covering the Comic Con at Sea? with mostly Buffy actors but the behind the scenes artists from Angel. I love your reviews and I hope to get a little help from my family for Christmas to complete my ticket but I would never know how to do as good a review as you.

    1. Hi Sheryl!

      Sadly, I will not be covering Comic Con at Sea because I won't be there :/. I will, however, be covering Wales Comic Con (with Nicky Brendon and Sean Maher), Cardiff Comic Con, London Film & Comic Con, Vampire Ball (with Clare Kramer, Julie Benz, J. August Richards, Fran Kranz, Reed Diamond, and Georges Jeanty), and more! Have a terrific time at sea! :)

      - Shangel

  3. Shangel, your reviews are amazing. Keep 'em coming.

    1. Hi Anonymous Person!

      Thank you very much! I really appreciate the support and, you know, you reading them! :). I most certainly will keep 'em coming.

      - Shangel

  4. I met you today at Wales comic con whilst queueing for Nicky autographs! It was kind of surreal thinking I recognise that guy.... I swear he writes that buffy blog I love.... And it WAS you! You were totally as kind and as friendly as I would imagine from following your blog as well :)

    1. Hi!

      It was wonderful to meet you both yesterday in Nicky's autograph queue! :). ALWAYS a pleasure to talk to fellow Buffy obsessives and blog readers! During that entire conversation, one thing never came up...WHAT ARE YOUR NAMES? :P

      - Shangel

    2. Haha true! The taller one with dark hair and wearing a backpack was my younger sister Janette, and I was the one with lip piercing and sub glasses on my head (wearing a grey gryffindor top) and my name is Josie :) we had so much fun! Such a great day! I'm just about to sit down and start re watching buffy for the second time this year. It is so awesome to meet other fans especially ones like yourself who clearly know their buffy stuff. When It started on the telly I must have only been about 5 (can't believe my parents used to let me watch it lol!) I was obsessed from the start and me and a couple of friends would play 'buffy' in the school playground hahahaa. I've always been obsessed since. I have the entire vhs collection even though I eventually got them on DVD and can't face getting rid of my vhs even though they take up way too much room and I don't even have a vhs player hahaa! I used to get a box set for birthdays or Christmas, always the best presents. As I got older and re watched and re watched, I really appreciated it for a lot more then just what it was at its base (a cool super gal fighting baddies) the stories are all so relateable in any real life scenarios! Whether mystical or not. Like willows problems with magic, easily reflected into the really life world of problems people face with any addiction. And soooo many others. And the characters developments are so flawless its unreal. Even whiney dawn is really likeable by season 7 since she isn't a teen so much anymore. Everything about buffy for me is amazing and such a wonderful escape. I could go on forever but I better stop, but it's why to me, it makes it extra special when I meet really dedicated fans like yourself, meeting completely like minded people just makes it all even more amazing!

    3. Hey Shane
      Too bad I missed you at the klz buffy and Angel fanmeet.
      Would have been sooo cool to have a chat and be in a picture with you.
      I don't know what the places are you visit but James masters and Julie Benz are coming to the Amsterdam comic con event in August
      Would love to know if you're attending ������
      Hellen Dekker

  5. Hi!I watched Buffy on Netflix but Angel is not there! I'm dieying for watch it again!It has been so many years that I had done it that I don't even remember most of it! Can you give some link where I can see all seasons? I couldn't find any good one! Please!

  6. Hi Shane, will you be attending london film & comic con this year? Theres going to be a few buffy and angel faces there :)

    1. Hello!

      Yes, I will be at LFCC all three days! \0/ Can't wait! :)

  7. You still doing these reviews ?

  8. Greetings Shane! I am working with NHS Glos CCG to promote a consultation regarding mental health support for young people in the Gloucestershire area.

    As you might appreciate, reaching young people between 16 and 25 is not easy and this is a very important opportunity to have a say in service design. I was wondering if you might be willing to retweet the following content on your social media channel?

    I though you might also appreciate my Twitter name is comedy genius :)

  9. Hi, Shane! Where are you? Please come back to us!
