"Untouched" (2x04) quick link here "Guise Will Be Guise" (2x06) quick link here
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“Dear Boy” really gets the Darla-arc off and running after four relatively standalone episodes (with sprinkles of Darla and Angel foreshadowing thrown it). Angel becomes aware of Darla’s resurrection, which causes a cataclysmic change in his personality for over half a season. One thing that blows me away about this terrific arc is how fast it happens! I was expecting Darla to become the ‘Big Bad’ of the season and be around until the finale. Instead, while Darla is still the ‘Big Bad’ to a certain extent, she’s gone from the season by episode 17. I was expecting Angel to find out about Darla’s return much later than he actually does. Notice the parallels between “Angel” and “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” in this regard. Glory was introduced to Buffy in the 5th episode of the season and Darla’ return was introduced to Angel in the 5th episode as well. Having his sire back – one he staked in Sunnydale no less – causes a lot of inner-turmoil for Angel. Does he kill her to remove the threat? Does he try to save her after he realises she’s human? What does Wolfram & Hart want with her? By this point, we know what she wants from him, but even that has one glaring plot hole, which I will examine later in the review. The Darla-arc of “Angel” is arguably the best arc that the show ever produces. Season one doesn’t have a defined arc, it has themes. Season two has the Darla-arc and the Pylea-arc. Season three has the Holtz-arc. Season four has The Beast-arc and the Jasmine-arc. Season five has the Wolfram & Hart-arc. Out of all of those arcs, the only one that can hold a candle to the Darla-arc is the Wolfram & Hart journey that Angel Investigations faces in the final season. Darla and Angel have two hundred years of history together and “Dear Boy” is the first real time we get to see that relationship unfold outside of flashbacks or the cheesiness of “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” season one.
The episode opens on Angel investigations, who are very much established at the Hyperion Hotel by this point. The place has been cleaned, furnished, and looks a lot more like home than Angel’s dingy basement apartment ever did. As I’ve mentioned before (and will most assuredly again), the Hyperion is my favourite set on “Angel”. It’s to “Angel” what the Sunnydale High library is to “Buffy The Vampire Slayer”: home. Warm, cosy, familiar, the place where the characters you love have most of their bonding experiences and free time together. At one point or another, Angel, Lorne, Gunn, Fred, and Connor live at the Hyperion. Plus, Cordy stays there quiet often. The only character that doesn’t really sleep over is Wesley, which makes a certain amount of sense as he’s the type to like his own space. I’m sure Angel would like more of his own space too, but in a hotel with 68 rooms, a theatre room, and a swimming pool beneath the floor boards, he has enough space to stay broody and mopey. I love a rich, spacious set that allows the freedom to create stories from within it. Wesley and Cordelia have realised that Angel Investigations is broke. The business is making very little money, which means that they can barely afford to eat, let alone live comfortably. This isn’t surprising in the least. Since the business was established, how many times have we seen Angel charge someone for his services? Three? The only instances I can think of off the top of my head are Melissa in “I Fall To Pieces”, Rebecca in “Eternity”, and David Nabbit in “War Zone”. Not exactly enough to survive and thrive, is it? I’m getting mental images of Wesley taking his ‘Word Puzzle 3D’ to a local pub and trying to play people for money.
Cordy receives a
vision of a group of humans worshipping a big, blobby demon that is sticking
out of a wall. They are fighting to the death over the best way to worship it. This is what happens when you don’t buy a
pet! You over-correct! Angel needs to develop a Tamagotchi line in his
quest to help the helpless. The primary point of this scene is to emphasise the
fact that Darla’s dreams are taking a toll on Angel, as well as give us a
preview into the set that will be used for Angel and Darla’s big conversation
at the conclusion of the episode. Angel is tired. He’s confused, groggy,
irrational, his demeanour is completely different, he’s snapping at his
friends, and he’s quick to temper because of Darla’s dreams. She’s keeping
Angel distracted from helping the helpless and isolated from his friends. Angel
doesn’t care about the cases they’re working on, he’s lying to his friends
about what’s going on in his life, and he’s secretly enjoying these erotic trips
down memory lane with Darla in his dreams. Wolfram & Hart obviously brought
Darla back for this very reason. They have two primary motives in relation to
Angel. 1) Keep him distracted so that he’s not constantly watching their every
move. 2) Keep him as isolated and dark as possible because he’s supposed to
play a major role in the apocalypse.
They need him unstable. Remember, it’s mentioned in the Shanshu Prophecy that a
vampire with a soul will play a major role in the final apocalypse. With a soul. Not Angelus, but Angel. The
only thing the prophecy doesn’t state is which side of the battle Angel will be
fighting for. Wolfram & Hart are banking on the fact that they can keep
Angel dark enough to be on their side. It’s why they give him the keys to Wolfram
& Hart’s Los Angeles branch in “Home”.
With that being
said, what was Darla’s plan? Darla has been drugging Angel, yes, but to what
end? Darla reveals at the conclusion of this episode that she was gearing up to
giving him a moment of happiness so that he would lose his soul. She was using
these dreams to reawaken his lust for her so that if she could get close enough
to him to sleep with him, he’d lose his soul. This is contradictory to Wolfram
& Hart’s plans, who want Angel dark,
not soulless. It’s possible that
Darla has misread Wolfram & Hart’s intentions for her, but it more
realistically seems like a slight error on the part of the writers. Darla’s
plan is certainly risky regardless. She’s a human now. Did she think that
Angelus would turn her back into a vampire and they’d restart their killing
spree a hundred years later? Has she met
Angelus? The more realistic option is that he’d ruin her life, make her
crazy, and then torture and kill her.
It’s at this point
in the episode that we receive a flashback of Darla giving Angelus a gift:
Drusilla. I love this flashback for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, we finally
get to see how Angelus ruined Drusilla’s life and how she was turned into a
vampire. We’ve heard about it during Buffy’s second season, but we’ve never
seen it. Ironically, it was all Darla’s fault as she was the one who brought
Drusilla to Angelus’ attention. This is even more ironic when you consider the
fact that Drusilla turns Darla back into a vampire in four episodes time. Just
as importantly, it establishes who Drusilla is for the “Angel” fans that
haven’t seen “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” before they bring her into the show.
It’s similar to what the show did with Darla during the last season through
How gullible is that
guy who thinks his wife has been abducted by aliens on a regular basis? Good
Lord. This subplot is used as a convenient way of Angel getting a glimpse of
Darla for the first time. It’s showing us how Darla’s mere presence is able to
mess with Angel’s head in a way that we haven’t seen before. Angel is taking
zero interest in the case and is spending all his time thinking about Darla.
Then, a human Darla arrives and his head implodes. Even as a human still
adjusting to life, Darla is the master manipulator. She has Lindsey drooling
over her and wrapped around her little finger and she has total control over
everything that Angel is thinking. I like the fact that Julie Benz is such a
convincing, wonderful actress that she leaves seeds of doubt as to whether or
not she’s actually Darla. For a brief moment, you think that perhaps Angel has made a mistake because of all his
weird dreams and distractions.
Wesley: “I need to
speak with you, man to man. Cordelia, you may not want to be here for this...was
it something I did?”

You know, I hadn’t
realised how much Wesley had grown as a person over the past half a season or
so until he delivered that line and reverted back to the Wesley who arrived in
Los Angeles in “Parting Gifts”. As much as I adore the confident, badass Wesley
that emerges, sometimes having a little dorky Wesley that falls over all the
time in the show is a wonderful thing.
Angel: “I saw her
and I’m not crazy.”
Wesley: “Where?”
Angel: “Right
between the clowns and the big talking hot dog.”
Why does it take
Wesley and Cordelia so long to believe Angel that Darla is back? Angel himself
has come back from the dead, after Buffy sent him to Hell in “Becoming PartTwo”. Angel is their friend and a very trustworthy fella in his own right. I
can only come to the conclusion that they don’t trust Angel when it comes to
small blonde women as nothing but badness ensues in those scenarios. In this
instance, Darla is such a convincing actress that it drives Angel a little loopy.
It raises questions in Cordy, Wesley, and Gunn’s heads. Is it Darla or is Angel
stalking someone who looks like his ex? Is Angel on his way to becoming Angelus
again? Do we need to buy Angel a Playstation and a goldfish? Of course, Gunn
has never met Angelus, so he doesn’t truly appreciate the gravity of the
situation. Cordy and Wesley might be more inclined to lean towards the ‘Angel
is turning paranoid and therefore might snap and become Angelus’ scenario
because they’ve seen Angelus. They know Angelus. They’ve researched Angelus.
They’re less trusting of Angel when he’s acting like a crazy person because
they’re scared of Angelus returning. Their fear makes them question their
friend. As someone who has never met Angelus, it’s a very intelligent move by
David Greenwalt to have Gunn act in stead of the “Angel” audience that haven’t
seen “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” or “Angel” season one’s “Eternity”. Cordelia
and Wesley fill Gunn in on the backstory of Angelus and Darla, which in turn
fills the new audience in on it too.
Cordelia: “That was
really fun. The public humiliation, running from the hotel security staff and
the nifty little outfit, which seemed to tell so many conventioneers ‘pet me,
I’m a whore’.”
I mentioned in my
review of “Blind Date” that one of the reasons why Angel requests for Lorne to
kill Lindsey in “Not Fade Away” is because Lindsey always put himself and his
own motivations before anything else. He’s too unpredictable to be trustworthy.
When Lindsey had the opportunity to leave Wolfram & Hart and start down his
path of redemption, he chose to remain at Wolfram & Hart. It’s a recurring
process for Lindsey. In this episode, Lindsey tells Darla that he doesn’t care
if she kills Angel. Wolfram & Hart, obviously, would be greatly against this scenario as Angel is
scheduled to play a major role in the apocalypse. Lindsey would happily kill
Angel to fulfil his own personal needs, even if his employers would be
categorically against it. It makes him a fascinating character, but it doesn’t
make him someone I’d like to hire to join my firm.
Wesley: “You’re among
friends, we’re not going to condemn you.”
Cordelia: “Right.
You’re crazy. You need professional help.”
Wesley: “You can’t
just sniff a person and...”
Angel: “You had sex
last night with a bleached blonde.”
Wesley: “Good Lord,
how did you...”
Cordelia: “That’s
unbelievable...I didn’t think you ever had sex.”
This episode is filled with hilarious and memorable
dialogue. Another example of this is Wesley’s impression of Cordelia’s American
accent. That’s a male American actor, playing an English character,
impersonating a female American character. That hurts my occipital lobe just
thinking about it (yes, I’m aware that the occipital lobe is responsible for
vision, but my Willow dialogue references do not work if I mention another part
of the brain! GIVE ME THIS MOMENT OF
GLORY!). Fantastic job, David Greenwalt.

Darla and Wolfram
& Hart create a big scamola involving Darla’s fake husband, who’s an actor.
Darla and Wolfram & Hart security kill her ‘husband’ and frame Angel for
the murder, thus making Angel more unstable and crazy than he was before. Darla
(and in turn Julie Benz) is such a fantastic actress. She’s so convincing at
pretending she’s the victim in the situation. She’s convincing on the 911 call,
she’s convincing when talking to Kate...if it wasn’t for that pesky ‘how did
Angel get in the house if he wasn’t invited or if the owner wasn’t dead?’
thing, Darla would have pulled off the perfect crime. It was nice to have Gunn
sassily remark that line to Kate instead of Wesley for a change. Gunn’s place
in the group is still being established so having Gunn serve some sort of
purpose other than the ‘muscle’ was a wise move. I also appreciate that Cordy,
Wesley, and Gunn, even when they’re questioning Angel’s actions themselves,
would rather go to jail than betray their friend. They’re completely dedicated
and loyal to him...makes his firing of them in five episodes all the more
tragic, doesn’t it?
From a continuity
standpoint, Wolfram & Hart making Kate aware of Angel’s new location makes
sense. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that jazz. They’ve known
since “Sense & Sensitivity” that Angel and Kate are friends and I’m sure
they’re realised that the relationship has turned sour since Kate’s father’s
death. Why not use it to their advantage? Kate raises an interesting point
about the innocent people that get caught in the crossfire while Angel is
playing the hero and trading mind games with Wolfram & Hart. People like
Darla’s fake husband, Stephen, for example. She’s right, people do get caught in the crossfire while
Angel is saving souls. It’s not his fault, but innocent people do get killed. Those are the people that
Kate cares about. Those are the people that Kate is trying to protect from Angel. It’s very noble of Kate! The
only problem is that Kate’s motivates aren’t entirely noble, are they? She’s
just as interested in causing Angel problems and ruining his life because she
still resents him for introducing her to the supernatural world and not being
able to save her father. In Kate’s eyes, her father is one of those innocent
people that was caught in the crossfire of Angel’s life. This is ludicrous, of
course, as Trevor was involved in illegal activities with a demon that resulted
in his death, but it’s easy for Kate to blame Angel than it is to blame her
father because Angel introduced her to vampires and demons. She was living in
ignorant bliss before Angel came along. Any
problems that Kate encounters with supernatural creatures are Angel’s fault
by default. She’s a constant reminder to the audience that Angel has a dark
past and his actions have real consequences.
Spidey-Angel swings
down, kidnaps Darla, and takes her to the underground water tower where the big
blobby demon was being worshipped earlier in the episode. This scene (even
though it’s split into three pieces) is the best scene of the season thus far and
one of the most intense, interesting, emotionally provoking scenes that the
show has produced thus far as a whole. There are so many different layers being
explored at the same time that it’s hard to keep focused on just one. It
explores Darla’s humanity, Darla’s motives, their backstory, where the show is
heading, and Darla plants doubts in Angel’s mind over his redemption. It’s a
very well written and acted piece. As I’ve mentioned, I’m a huge fan of Darla
and Angel’s relationship. They have over two hundred years of backstory and
over two hundred years of knowledge on each other, which makes Darla the
perfect villain for Angel in a lot of ways. The scene starts with Angel
explaining to Darla that all those people she killed, all those lives she
ruined, they’re going to start eating away at her from within. She has a soul
now. She has a conscience. She can feel remorse. While she was committing the
murders and torturing, she was soulless and carefree. Now, she’s not. Angel
knows better than anyone that this is going to be unbearable to deal with.
Angel spent a hundred years living on the streets and feeding on rats because
he didn’t know how to deal with his guilt. As a human, Darla doesn’t have that
much time to adjust. Darla also reveals her plan to eventually make Angel lose
his soul so that they can pillage the lands together once again. After all,
they loved each other for over a hundred years, right? WRONG. In the ultimate ‘burn’ moment, Angel tells Darla he never
loved her and she never made him happy because he was soulless when he was with
her. He didn’t have the capabilities to love. It was sex and death and
brutality, but there was no romance. No affection outside of need. Darla never
made Angel happy like Buffy did. This is backed up later in the season when
Darla sleeps with Angel, but Angel doesn’t lose his soul. It doesn’t give him a
moment of true happiness. Ouch.

The scene closes
with Darla tearing a hole in Angel’s identity and motivations. She tells him
that no matter how hard he tries, no matter how long he fights the forces of
darkness, no matter how many times he helps the helpless, God will never want
him (a cross still burns him)...but she still does. Since finding out about the
Shanshu Prophecy, Angel has been fighting hard to earn his reward through
redemption. Darla gives him a reality check here. She bitch-slaps him back to
the ground. He starts to question whether or not he’ll ever earn his humanity.
Angel is helping the helpless and trying to make the world a better place, but
the world around him still rejects who and what he is. God and the world will
never want him, never accept him. On the flipside of that, Darla is ready to
accept him back. Does he continue down a path which could lead to nowhere or
does he turn his back on the helpless and become the reclusive vampire he once
was? Angel vs. Angelus, the lighter side of Angel’s personality vs. the darker
side of Angel’s personality. Which side of the apocalypse will he end up on? Is
Angel capable of remaining on the righteous path when Wolfram & Hart are
throwing his sire at him? That is what the rest of the Darla-arc will explore.
The episode closes on Angel
looking annoyed and proclaiming “there’s going to be a lot of trouble and I say
bring it on”. The Darla-arc is about to take off, kiddies. We’re in for a bumpy
Quote Of
The Episode
Angel: “So you're what Wolfram and Hart brought back in
that box. And they brought you back as a human. They think I won't kill one.
You want to know what I think? I think they don't know me that well. You feel
what this place was before they excavated it? It was a convent. You remember
how much I like convents...come on, Darla, you and I are too old to play games.
I need to talk to the real you! It's been a long time since I said this to
anyone, but you can scream all you want.”
Darla: “Oh, oh I'm not gonna scream. There's my boy.”
Angel: “That's enough.”
Darla: “I’m pretty familiar with the international sign for enough and you have a way to go! You're hurting me...I like it.”
Angel: “What's the play, Darla? What kind of game are you running?”
Darla: “Just having a little fun. I've been out of commission too long. You know how that feels.”
Angel: “Wolfram & Hart didn't bring you back for fun. The Dreams, the frame job...what's the big plan, huh? Get me so screwed up I go bad again?”
Darla: “Kind of trite, I know. What do you expect? They're only human.”
Angel: “You better embrace that mediocrity, honey. You're talking about your own kind now.”
Darla: “But I'm still me. And I remember everything, Angel. Everything we did. Everything we can do.”
Angel: “Yeah, but the bitch is you have a soul now. Pretty soon those memories are gonna start eating away at you. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to escape the truth of what you were. Believe me, I know.”
Darla: “But you can escape. You can escape it all. Remember what it’s like to get lost, huh? Every thought a million miles away, every part of you being alive. All you have to do is let me give you one little moment of happiness.”
Angel: “You took me places, showed me things...you blew the top off my head...but you never made me happy.”
Darla: “But, that...that cheerleader did? We were together 150 years! We shared everything. You're saying...never?”
Angel: “You couldn't understand.”
Darla: “I understand alright. Guy gets taste of something fresh and he thinks he's touching God.”
Angel: “It wasn't about...”
Darla: “Oh, you bet your ass it was! There was a time in the early years when you would have said I was the definition of bliss! Buffy wasn't happiness, she was just new!”
Angel: “You know, you’re getting awfully bent over this, Darla. I couldn't feel that with you because I didn't have a soul. But then I got a second chance...just like you have.”
Darla: “What a poster child for soulfulness you are. This is no life, Angel! Before you got neutered you weren't just any vampire, you were a legend! Nobody could keep up with you, not even me. You don't learn that kind of darkness. It's innate. It was in you before we ever met. You said you can smell me? Well, I can smell you too. My boy is still in there and he wants out!”
Angel: “You're gonna feel it, you know. What you did, that man you got killed.”
Darla: “Please, he was actor.”
Angel: “I'm serious.”
Darla: “Yeah, like a heart attack...and just about as much fun.”
Angel: “Darla, you hurt anyone else and I'll kill you.”
Darla: “Will you? Isn't that against your Cub Scout code?”
Angel: “I'll make an exception.”
Darla: “You're gonna miss those dreams, honey. You should have heard the things you said in your sleep. Nasty things, Angel. Things like...”
Angel: “Stop!”
Darla: “No, you stop!”
*Darla puts a cross to Angel’s chest and it begins to burn*
Darla: “See? No matter how good a boy you are, God doesn't want you! But I
still do...”
What are your thoughts on "Dear Boy"? Did you enjoy this episode? Dislike it? Let me know all your thoughts in the comments section below!
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I love having Darla back. She is terrifying as a vampire but oh I feel for her as a human.
ReplyDeleteI always thought that perhaps Darla just wants her Angelus back.
Oh Cordy, never change. I love your sarcasm.
Ouch, that's gotta hurt Darla.
I always feel that Darla saying "No, you stop!" was because she knew Angel was right.
I know your gonna disagree with me but this to me is the "Bad Girls" of the Angelverse
ReplyDeleteHorrifically underrated episode....
I cannot agree more that the darla arc is the best arc of Angel... Wonderfully complex character who both unintentionally and intentionally screwed around with Angel's head!
I love the fact that as a human Darla has her "Vampire" motives and as a Pregnant Vampire She has her "human instincts"...
Darla is with absolute ease the most UNDERRATED buffyverse charcater with Gunn a close second!
Yes Darla is one of the most Brilliant characters in the Buffy universe and this episode is an all time classic! I adore it and the dialogue at the end is sensational! "No matter how good of a boy you are God doesn't want you. But I still do!" So epic and deep. No matter how hard He goes into the light it wont take him but the Darkness always can. really deep character dynamics.