
Sunday, 13 April 2014

Angel, "She" Review (1x13)

Brief Synopsis: “A series of horribly burned corpses leads Angel Investigations to a race of creatures from another dimension, whose gender warfare is spilling onto the streets of Los Angeles.”

"Expecting" (1x12) quick link here                                                                                                 "I've Got You Under My Skin" (1x14) quick link here

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With that being said, let’s get started, shall we?

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve hit a good news-bad news situation. The bad news is that this episode is poor. It’s widely considered one of - if not the- worst episode of “Angel”. The good news is that every episode left in season one of “Angel” ranges from ‘good’ to ‘amazing’, so we’re in for a decent remainder of the season. I would be lying if I said that this episode is a favourite of mine. In fact, if you look at my article where I ranked the Buffyverse episodes in order (located here), “She” was my second least favourite episode of “Angel” (second only to season two’s “Happy Anniversary”). After I’ve concluded my reviews of “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” and “Angel”, I will be amending the list based on my ‘final score’ ratings, but for the time being, “She” is my 109th favourite episode of “Angel”. There are only two things that stop this episode from being completely throwaway. The first of which is Angel and Wesley’s epic, jaw-dropping dancing at Cordelia’s party. Seriously, I could watch that scene on repeat all day and never get bored! LOOK AT ANGEL’S FACE! HE’S SMILING AND HAPPY! BURN IT, BURN IT WITH FIRE! Then there’s Wesley. Wesley, my physical comedy God. At ‘Hallowhedon 5’ in 2013, I met Alexis Denisof. On the Saturday night, he briefly came down to party with us. He led a conga line, he talked to groups of people, and he did the ‘Wesley dance’ from this episode on the dance floor. A ‘gif’ file of Alexis doing the ‘Wesley dance’ is in my review of ‘Hallowhedon 5’ (located here). It was the greatest thing ever.

The second saving grace for this episode was Bai Ling. Bai is simply fantastic in this episode (she plays Jhiera). I was also lucky enough to meet Bai Ling at LFCC 2012 and she was a truly wonderful person. “She” centres around a group of people from ‘Oden Tal’. In Oden Tal, the females are castrated by removing their ‘ko’. They’re treated as second-class citizens by the males and after their ‘ko’ has been removed, a lot of their strength, emotion, sexuality, and character is absent. Obviously, “She” focuses on sexism, genital mutilation (I believe the ‘ko’ was supposed to represent the clitoris), and the oppression of women. The scary thing is that genital mutilation still happens in certain parts of the world today! It’s insane! Let everybody keep the bits that they were born with unless they need to be removed for medical reasons or wish to be removed by the person themselves, shall we?

I appreciate the fact that Marti Noxon and David Greenwalt were trying to explore these difficult issues, but it was done so heavy-handedly, that I feel as though I was beaten over the head with a giant clitoris. It’s no secret by this point that I despise sexism, racism, homophobia, and all of that bullshit. Genital mutilation or the controlling of women against their will in general certainly falls under that umbrella. People should be able to make their own choices in life without being attacked for making those choices. Part of the problem I have with “She” is that it’s explained terribly. Okay, so Jhiera has escaped from Oden Tal and taken some females with her because they don’t want to be controlled or have their ko removed. That makes sense. However, the males from Oden Tal reference that the ko is so strong and powerful that it causes chaos and that the females use their sexual power over men (due to the ko) to their advantage. The males claim that the removal of the ko is for the safety of Oden Tal as the strength of the ko makes the males lust-filled little beasts. This is all hinted at very briefly and never mentioned again. If this point was explored further, it could have been the making of this episode! It would have thrown the episode into an emotional grey-area where both sides of the fence make a valid point. Oppression vs. keeping a peaceful society, control vs. ‘the greater good’ (I can’t type that phrase without thinking of Dumbledore...). Instead, what we’re left with is an awkward, uncomfortable, slow-paced episode that leaves a lot to be desired. Marti and David are two incredibly talented writers who have written some of the finest episodes of the Buffyverse. I’m highly surprised that it was them who scripted this episode because I expect a much higher standard from them.

However, there are some things to be thankful for in this episode...

After Cordelia reprimands Angel for his lack of socialising at her party and makes reference to the fact that Wesley was cooler than him, Angel realises that his broody, dark, mysterious persona isn’t as sexy as he likes to think it is. Slowly but surely after this episode Angel starts to develop something that I like to call a ‘personality’. It’s time to stop hiding from the world and brooding over your past sins and to start living again, Angel!...metaphorically speaking, of course. However, the party does lead to a very nice moment of bonding between Angel and Dennis. They bond over both being dead. Morbid, sure! Weird, absolutely! But kinda sweet, right? I would have liked to see Dennis interact with Angel Investigations more in the first few seasons. He was such an interesting character! Searching for the friends and freedom in death that he couldn’t find in life due to his controlling, manipulative mother. I still wish to know what happened with Cordelia, Dennis, and the loofah!

Wesley is officially accepted into Angel Investigations in this episode, as Angel offers him a job. This act, of course, makes Wesley cry. Can you believe this is the same guy from “Angel” season four and five?! He’s unrecognisable! Character growth: doing it right. The shocking realisation that Angel doesn’t give Cordelia or Wesley dental is atrocious! They fight vampires and demons for a living, Angel! They need dental!

In fact, I’m going to dedicate a section of this review to Wesley as he’s yet again the highlight of the episode. Wesley hitting on the women from Oden Tal is beyond funny...

Wesley: “Surprisingly firm under the jacket myself, you know. Have a feel.”
Wesley: “I’m very rarely taken hostage.”

Lies. He was taken hostage in Sunnydale by Balthazar and he’s taken hostage again by Faith in five episodes time.

Angel opens a bag of coffee beans, the bag explodes and the beans fall everywhere, then Wesley walks in, slips on the coffee beans, and falls on his ass, as I start laughing mine off. Every episode where Wesley falls over is instantly made a hundred times better. It’s scientific fact. You have to start wondering at this point if Wesley has ever considered wearing a full body cast all the time. Now that Wesley is a fully fledged member of Angel Investigations, his ass-kissing of Angel has reached a whole new level...

Wesley (talking about the coffee beans): “I’ll wash them if you like! Individually! They’ll be just as good as new! Better!”

I know this scene is played entirely for humour, but when you think about Wesley’s actions here a little deeper, it’s rather sad. Wesley would rather wash coffee beans individually and remain at Angel Investigations than go back to travelling by himself as a Rogue Demon Hunter who has been fired and exiled by the Watcher’s Council. That’s depressing beyond belief.

The final thing of interest in this episode is Jhiera and her relationship with Angel. As this episode focuses on the oppression and enslavement of women, it needed to have a strong female character that was rescuing everyone and being the hero for a change, not Angel. Jhiera encompasses this. The interesting thing about her character is that she’s not a hero at all, she’s an anti-hero. She’s saving her female kin, which is noble, but she doesn’t give a damn who gets hurt along the way. Not only does she show no remorse over the human men she killed, but she actively expresses that she couldn’t care less about their deaths. It’s kind of refreshing in a weird sort of way?

The sexual tension between Angel and Jhiera is interesting and something that we haven’t seen before on “Angel”. Sure, Angel had a little love interest with Kate earlier in the season, but that was very different from this and quickly squashed. Apparently, Jhiera was supposed to be brought back to “Angel” further down the line, but Bai was unavailable when they needed her so the idea was nixed. That’s a shame. Any character that forces Angel to take a comical cold shower earns my seal of approval. I also love that when Angel was stalking Bai, he had to pretend to be a guide and started talking about Le Vampire by Baudelaire. It was a cool little addition to the episode to highlight that Angel has met him previously and that ‘Le Vampire’ was based on Angelus.

Finally, the closing credits roll with Angel and Wesley’s hilarious dancing skizzles (that’s gangsta for ‘skills’). Whoever came up with the idea of this dancing should have won an Emmy award. It’s the perfect ending to this episode.

Quote Of The Episode

Angel: “The quiet, reserved thing...don’t you think it makes me kind of cool?”

Cordelia (pointing to Wesley): “He was cooler!”

Angel: “Now I’m depressed...”

FINAL SCORE: 3.5/10 (3 of those points are for the hilarious Angel and Wesley dancing)

What are your thoughts on "She"? Did you enjoy this episode? Dislike it? Let me know all your thoughts in the comments section below!

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  1. Really enjoy reading your review's, even with the not so great episode's ( which there aren't many at all) you still can do a great job ��
    I love Buffy and Angel, when I read your review's its like going back and watching the ep's again. Its cool you pick up on the little details ( Angel + Dennis) things like this really make an episode. Anyway thanks again, I will continue to enjoy reading them. Christina ��

  2. Onew thing, if the writers had made it more gray morally, they'd've been accused of victim blaming.

    What bothered me is the writers and Jhiera both seemed almost like the huamn men deserved what happened. Okay, finding a naked woamn locked in a crate *At your palce of work* is creepy, and if a guy's second or third repsonse is to honor ehr invitation by doffing his duds and haveing consnesual sex right there and then, is rather hoggish. But, still, they ahd no way of knowing she wasn't human, or of knowing she coudln't resist inviting them, and she did show herself as willing.

  3. The best part of the epìsode were the Wesley/Angel dancing scene. And I love how Wesley is having a lot of fun even if he knows he sucks at dancing he does it anyway, unlike Angel. Oh, Wesley, you are favorite ever! In general, one of the worst episodes of the series!
