
Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Win An 'Angel Investigations' Hoody Or A 'Wolfram & Hart' Hoody

As most of you are aware, I also run a 'Buffyverse' fan page on Facebook called the "Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Club" (located here - Apologies about the name, I didn't choose it. It's a community of 4,000+ obsessive fans of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and "Angel", where we discuss the shows in depth, have debates, quizzes, tournaments, competitions, and loads more cool stuff.

A member of that page, Eric Carbone, has kindly donated two hoodies to the page. The first of which is an 'Angel Investigations' hoody. It's new, and it is size XL (pictured above). The second is a 'Wolfram & Hart' hoody. It's also new, and it is also size XL (again, pictured above).

I've decided to run two competitions to win these hoodies for free.

Competition One

As this blog has grown in readership, I've realised that I need a more professional-looking banner for the blog (one that I didn't create myself in Paint). This is where the creatively talented amongst you come into play...

To win a hoody in competition one, all you have to do is create a new banner for the blog. Here is what I'm looking for :-

  • It needs to say "Shangel's Reviews" on the banner.
  • It cannot contain people's faces. As I'm making a little bit of money off of this blog through Amazon and eBay, I can't use faces as it will break copyright laws. Buildings or places can be used if necessary.
  • The current banner is sized 993 x 228, so something similar would be required.
  • The rest is up to personal interpretation. It needs to fit the colour scheme of the blog and the theme of the blog, but you do have a lot of creative freedom in this.

The closing date of this competition is the 25th of January, so please email me your entry before that date. You can either email me on Facebook through the "Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Club" page (the link is above), or email me at

If your banner is chosen, I will contact you for your address details. The winning entry will be chosen on January the 31st.

Competition Two

I will be uploading three quiz questions a day to the "Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Club" page from the 4th of January to the 31st of January at 8pm (UK time - check your local time against the UK's current time for what the time will be in your local area).

The first correct answer for each question will receive 5 points. The 2nd correct answer will receive 4 points, 3rd will receive 3 points, 4th will receive 2 points, and the 5th correct answer will receive 1 point.

That means there are a potential 15 points available per day.

I will be keeping a leaderboard of the quizzes, and the person with the most points on the 31st of January will win the competition. I will update the leaderboard and upload it to the Fan Club page every day. It's very simple.

Again, if you win, I will contact you for your address details.

If the two winners want the same hoody (you get to choose which you win), I will flip a coin for who gets which one. If the two winners want separate hoodies, then you will receive the one you requested.

Good luck, and let the fun commence!

- Shangel


  1. Can someone who's not from the UK/US participate?

  2. This is awesome! You come up with some really great ideas :)

  3. Such a good idea! Will get on that graphic design now :) x
