
Thursday, 16 January 2014

Ranking The Top 50 Buffyverse Characters

Thanks to Bre at for creating the banner picture!

Before getting started on the actual list, I've got a few notes about it...

1)    This is not a list of my favourite characters. It's a list of who I feel are the top 50 greatest characters in the Buffyverse. A list of my personal favourite characters will be uploaded to the blog in due course. Please bear this in mind when reading the list. Obviously, we all have different tastes, so please no hating on the list. Friendly debate is not only acceptable, but actively encouraged in the comments section!
2)    To be on the list, a character must appear in a minimum of three/four episodes of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and/or "Angel". That is because I feel that a character needs to have at least that amount of screen time to be able to make the top 50. Also, the statistics for the list ignore the comics due to spoilers for some people here.
3)    How I've broken down this list is 20% my personal tastes (as it's impossible to remove them entirely) and 80% who I deem to be the greatest characters. My criteria was as follows....

- The impact they had on the show (not only their own character, but also the impact they had on the characters around them)
- Their character development/arc
- The appeal of the character
- The amount of memorable moments that character had
- The longevity of the character (including the amount of screen time they had)

Honourable Mentions

Narrowing down the list to just 50 characters was hard. I mean hard. These are all characters that I've been watching on TV since I was eight years old. Having the limit at 50 obviously means that some excellent characters had to be omitted from the list. Characters that just missed out on the list, but had a big impression on the show include...

  • Kendra Young
  • Gwen Raiden
  • Eve
  • Justine Cooper
  • Larry Blaisdell
  • Amy Madison
  • Amanda
  • Vi
  • Adam
  • Maggie Walsh
  • Forrest Gates
  • The Anointed One
  • Rack
  • Veruca
  • Sahjhan
  • Willy
  • Virginia Bryce
  • Skip
  • Halfrek

This excludes all the terrific characters that appeared in only one or two episodes, like The Gentlemen, Gnarl, Der Kindestod, Billy Blim, Sweet, Ted, Gachnar, Billy Fordham, The Scourge, Thesulac Demon, Zachary Kralik, and Ryan Anderson.

Now that's all out of the way, let's get started on the actual list, shall we?

50. Kennedy

No. Of Episodes: 13
First Appearance: "Bring On The Night"
Last Appearance: "Chosen"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Season 7
Actress: Iyari Limon

I know that this one is going to get me some grief, but there is no denying that Kennedy had an impact on the show. Do I like the character? Hell no! I find her spoilt, bratty, childish, annoying, and scarily persistent in her chase of Willow. However, she was important during season seven of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer". Kennedy was the potential Slayer that received the most screen time and had the biggest impact on the Scoobies (due to her relationship with Willow), so I feel that she has to be placed above other potentials like Vi and Amanda in a list of the greatest characters, even though I prefer them. Kennedy was key in helping Willow finally move on from Tara's death (a little too soon for my personal tastes).

49. Mr. Trick

No. Of Episodes: 5
First Appearance: "Faith, Hope & Trick"
Last Appearance: "Consequences"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Season 3
Actor: K. Todd Freeman

The sharpest dressed vampire in the Buffyverse. Mr. Trick was different to any vampire we'd seen at this point. He went completely against everything a vampire should be. Instead of sleeping in a crypt or a Gothic mansion and keeping a low profile, Mr. Trick would wear brightly coloured suits and travel around in a limousine. Where most vampires can barely work a cell phone (I'm looking at you, Angel), Mr. Trick used technological savvy to bring us "Slayerfest '98", a competition to see who could kill Buffy and 'Faith' first.

Sadly, Mr. Trick is not higher on this list because he was killed off too soon. Ironically, he was killed by Faith, who by the end of the same episode would replace Mr. Trick as The Mayor's second-in-command. If Mr. Trick had survived until the end of the season, there's no doubt he would be higher on the list. It wasn't logistically possible though, as The Mayor and Faith were more than enough to keep the Scoobies busy. Interestingly, Joss wanted to keep Mr. Trick around for longer, but K. Todd Freeman was unavailable past "Consequences" due to other work commitments (source: meeting K. Todd Freeman at 'Hallowhedon 5'. Full details are located here - ).

48. Jasmine

No. Of Episodes: 5
First Appearance: "Inside Out"
Last Appearance: "Peace Out"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Season 4
Actress: Gina Torres

In the statistics above, I've excluded any appearances that Jasmine had while possessing Cordelia. Played by the gorgeous Gina Torres (of Joss Whedon's "Firefly"), Jasmine represented a new type of 'Big Bad' for the Buffyverse. Jasmine's end-goal was world the expense of eating a few dozen humans a day. Can't say fairer than that, right? The original plan for Angel season four didn't include Jasmine at all. It included Doyle returning as the season's 'Big Bad'. I'm not sure how they were going to make that happen or how it would have played out, but that was the plan. Then Charisma returned for season four pregnant, and a new season arc had to be developed in a hurry.

I personally don't like the Jasmine storyline at all. Frankly, it doesn't hold my interest. Angel Investigations having to hide from the world does hold my interest, but Jasmine as a character does not. I don't feel like Jasmine accomplished a lot ultimately as a 'Big Bad', which is why she isn't higher on the list. The lasting impression that Jasmine has is that final nail in the coffin of Connor. After Jasmine's 'love' leaves Connor, Connor realises that he can't trust anyone and he self-destructs. Jasmine makes this list not for her contributions to the show as a villain, but for her contributions to Connor's demise and the birth of 'Stephen'.

47. Phantom Dennis (Dennis Pearson)

No. Of Episodes: 11
First Appearance: "Rm w/a Vu"
Last Appearance: "Ground State"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Seasons 1, 2, 3, and 4
Actor: BJ Porter (only for "Rm w/a Vu")

One of the most disturbing deaths in the Buffyverse, Dennis was tied up and left to suffocate behind a brick wall by his mother after he planned to run away with his girlfriend, whom his mother didn't approve of. Yikes. Talk about overbearing. Dennis did get a snippet of revenge on his mother when he destroyed her ghost, which was haunting Cordelia's new apartment. Dennis' brutal death didn't lead to Dennis becoming a poltergeist or a vicious ghost at all. Quite the opposite. Dennis was Cordelia's most devoted confidant. He'd scrub her back after a particularly painful vision, he'd help her out around the house, and he'd try to warn her about any danger that she was in...he even helped Cordelia out in a more, erm, romantic way with a loofah at least once. While Dennis didn't have a great deal of screen time or character development, he did leave a lasting impression on "Angel" and was around for almost three years of the show. For that reason, he ranks 47th on this list.

46. Clem

No. Of Episodes: 8
First Appearance: "Life Serial"
Last Appearance: "Empty Places"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 6 & 7
Actor: James C. Leary

Arguably the friendliest demon on "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", Clem becomes something of a friend to Spike, and eventually Buffy as well. While Clem doesn't really develop as a character or have a significant arc, he's just so damn loveable! He babysits Dawn, he's overly-excited about everything, he thinks Richard is cute in "Older And Far Away", and he has hilarious skin-folds. What more would you ask for from a recurring friend of the Scoobies?

45. Anne/Lily/Chanterelle

No. Of Episodes: 5
First Appearance: "Lie To Me"
Last Appearance: "Not Fade Away"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 2 & 3, Angel Seasons 2 & 5
Actress: Julia Lee

Why is Anne on this list above characters that appear in more episodes and are arguably more important characters, like Clem, Kennedy, and Adam? There are two major reasons for this. The first of which is that Anne covers so much time. Anne is around for seven years of the eight years that the shows were on the air. She debuted near the beginning of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" season two and her last appearance was Angel's final episode, "Not Fade Away".

Secondly, Anne's character arc is probably my favourite one of any 'minor' character of either show. By the time she arrives on the show she is going by the name 'Chanterelle' and is part of a cult that worships vampires. After meeting Spike and realising that vampires aren't as cool as she thought, she runs away to Los Angeles, where Buffy meets her living on the streets, where she is going by the name of 'Lily'. Lily loses her boyfriend, Ricky, and gets taken to a Hell-like dimension where time moves much more quickly. Buffy saves her and grants her to use her middle name, Anne. Nothing is heard from 'Anne' for a couple of years until she reappears as a friend of Gunn's that Angel is stalking to get information on Wolfram & Hart. Anne is now running a homeless shelter. She couldn't care less about vampires because she's realised that there are far worse things in the world. Things like suicide, poverty, self-harming, drugs, and abuse. Anne again disppears for a few years until the last ever Angel episode, where we see her moving to a bigger homeless shelter. Anne went from an obsessed vampire-lover, to being homeless and having no money, to making something of herself and helping to better her community. There are very few characters outside of the main ones that have as much character development as Anne.

44. Holland Manners

No. Of Episodes: 7
First Appearance: "Blind Date"
Last Appearance: "Reprise"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Seasons 1 & 2
Actor: Sam Anderson

I'm gonna be honest here, Sam Anderson makes this character. Keep this character exactly the same but put another actor in Sam's place, he wouldn't make the list. Holland Manners was the first Wolfram & Hart character that I found villain-like at all. In the first season of Angel, Wolfram & Hart kept cropping up, but we hadn't seen anyone who made them seem like a credible threat. Enter Holland Manners. The man who has Lee executed, the man who almost has Lindsey executed. Another reason why Holland is on the list is because of his highly dysfunctional father-son relationship with Lindsey. Holland believes in Lindsey. He has complete faith in Lindsey.

Also, Holland is part of the reason why Angel went dark, so he's got that going for him too - "And yet somehow, I just can't seem to care." Talk about memorable moments. Holland had a great death that served a purpose. The only problem with Holland's character is that, yet again, he was killed off too soon. There was so much mileage left in the character at the time of his death. Considering his replacement was the far inferior Linwood, I would have preferred if Holland had remained the head of 'Special Projects'.

43. Principal Robin Wood

No. Of Episodes:14
First Appearance: "Lesson"
Last Appearance: "Chosen"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Season 7
Actor: D.B. Woodside

Robin Wood represented a new type of character on "Buffy The Vampire Slayer". Up to this point we'd seen grey-area villains, like Billy Fordham, but we hadn't seen a grey-area 'good guy'. Robin was the first (and presumably only) child of a Vampire Slayer. After the discovery that Spike was the vampire that killed his mother, Robin wanted revenge and tried to kill Spike. Who could blame him! I'd want revenge too. The audience know that Spike isn't the same vampire that killed Nikki Wood, but Robin doesn't care about that distinction. On the one hand, the audience are angry with Robin for trying to kill Spike, but on the other they understand why. Emotional complexity, how I love thee.

So, why is an important character of the seventh season of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" - who also furthers the mythology of the Slayer lineage - not higher up the list? Because before and after "Lies My Parents Told Me", he doesn't really do anything. Except Faith, which, let's be honest, is a big part of the reason why he made the list at all. Kudos, my man.

42. The Groosalugg

No. Of Episodes: 9
First Appearance: "Through The Looking Glass"
Last Appearance: "Tomorrow"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Seasons 2 & 3
Actor: Mark Lutz

The 'Goosealugg', as Cordelia first calls him, is an often forgotten about character of "Angel". Perhaps it's because he's always labelled as Cordelia's boyfriend, perhaps it's because he's only in nine episodes, or perhaps it's because after nine episodes we don't even know his damn name! 'The Groosalugg' is a name bestowed upon him after he became an undefeated fighter. What was his birth name? How did he grow up? What happened to his family? We get tiny snippets of this information, but nothing more. That is why 'Groo' cannot be higher than 42 on this list.

However, with that being said, Groo is a memorable character. He arrives on "Angel" during the criminally underrated Pylea-arc and instantly leaves an impression. I really wanted Groo to go back to Los Angeles with Cordelia at the end of season two. Alas, he didn't, and by the time Groo does arrive in L.A., I want him to go away because he's getting in the way of Angel and Cordelia, who have developed an excellent foundation for a relationship by this point! I can't tell you how sorry I feel for Groo as the end of season three grows closer. Cordelia barely remembers his existence after being so in love with him just a few episodes previously. I like to think that the Groo vs. Angel dilemma in Cordy's head represents old Cordelia vs. new Cordelia. Old Cordelia is attracted to Groo. He's handsome, well-muscled, and has a smile that lights up a room (I'm straight, I swear), but they have nothing in common except the fact they both fight demons. New Cordelia wants Angel. They have everything in common, they're best friends, they have history together, and they care about each other. Ultimately, new Cordelia wins and Groo departs Los Angeles and heads back to Pylea. Did he shake the foundation of "Angel" to its very core? No. Was he a memorable character that created some great moments and some hilarious exchanges with Angel? Yes! Angel took him to a demon whore-house! His place on the list is justified, in my opinion.

41. Ethan Rayne

No. Of Episodes: 4
First Appearance: "Halloween"
Last Appearance: "A New Man"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 2, 3 & 4
Actor: Robin Sachs

Ethan Rayne appears in the least number of episodes out of everybody on this list. So why does he make the list over arguably more deserving characters like Maggie Walsh, Amanda, Adam, or Vi? Simple, he ticks every box in just four episodes!

Think about it...

He greatly impacts the show right from the beginning by letting the audience know that there is more to Giles than meets the eye. Ethan Rayne is the reason why we know about Giles' past. In addition to that, all four episodes he appears in are 'very good' to 'amazing'. He's one of those villains that you love to hate. He jokes about having slipped something into Giles' drink, then drunkenly yells "just kidding", having actually slipped something into Giles' drink to make him a demon. We've never seen Giles have a friend like he does with Ethan Rayne during the first section of "A New Man". Tony Head and Robin Sachs' chemistry is off-the-charts as well. Nobody could have played this character better than Robin did.

40. Daniel Holtz

No. Of Episodes: 8
First Appearance: "Offspring"
Last Appearance: "Benediction"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Season 3
Actor: Keith Szarabajka

I know that some people will argue that Holtz is too high up this list, but hear me out. Holtz was the very first grey-area 'Big Bad' in the Buffyverse. Angel(us) and Darla massacred his entire family (including turning his young daughter into a vampire, to add insult to injury) and mocked him at every turn. Through Sahjhan, Holtz arrives in present-day Los Angeles wanting revenge (justifiably so) on the gruesome twosome. How could anyone not empathise with Holtz after watching the scene where he sings a lullaby to his daughter and has to throw her out into the sunlight? Holtz was sympathetic, Holtz was interesting, and Holtz was memorable. He had a backstory that extended beyond the season that he was in. He was mentioned in flashbacks during Angel's second season and had known Angel before he regained his soul. Plus, Keith's voice was mesmerising.

In addition to all of this, Holtz was ruthless to his dying breath. He convinced Connor that he'd made amends with Angel, only to get Justine to stab him through the neck and make it look like Angel killed him, ruining Angel's relationship with Connor forever. Holtz's impact on the show extended beyond his time on the show. He had a lasting impact on Connor, who always referred to Holtz as his father. Holtz's journey from vampire hunter to victim, to villain, was something to behold. He's not higher on the list, however, because we had to wade through some boring shit to get there.

39. The First Evil

No. Of Episodes: 16
First Appearance: "Amends"
Last Appearance: "Chosen"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 3 & 7
Actor: Various

One of the biggest missed opportunities of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer". The First Evil was labelled as the ultimate evil. The ultimate villain. So why did The First Evil end up feeling mediocre compared to Angelus, The Mayor, Glory, and Dark Willow? Because The First Evil had no personal connection to the Scoobies like the other 'Big Bads' listed did. The biggest problem with the character is the decision to make it non-corporeal. How are we supposed to take a villain seriously when it needs other creatures to do the simplest of tasks for it? The ultimate evil can't even wipe its own ass. 

However, there's no denying that 'The First' is worthy of a place on this list. Through its followers it opened the Hellmouth (again), almost destroyed the Slayer line, and killed more humans than all the other 'Big Bads' combined. The First Evil being able to take on the shape of a deceased person was genius; however, it would have worked better if it was able to kill people itself.

38. Caleb

No. Of Episodes: 5
First Appearance: "Dirty Girls"
Last Appearance: "Chosen"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Season 7
Actor: Nathan Fillion

In my opinion, Caleb manages something in 5 episodes that The First Evil couldn't manage in 16 episodes...he feels threatening. I never felt worried for the Scoobies with The First because I felt like they could handle the 'Bringers (and later the Turok-Han). Caleb was a different story. In "Dirty Girls", he permanently disfigured Xander, easily defeated Buffy, and killed a handful of potentials without breaking a sweat. He was the first villain since Glory that made me worried for the safety of the Scoobies. Having Nathan Fillion play Caleb didn't hurt either because he's amazing in everything. He also gets bonus points for his hilariously fitting death. The only reason why Caleb isn't even higher on the list is because he's only in 5 episodes. There's only so much screen time you can give a villain in 5 episodes when compared to characters that appear in double or triple that. 

37. The Beast

No. Of Episodes: 6
First Appearance: "Apocalypse, Nowish"
Last Appearance: "Salvage"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Season 4
Actor: Vladimir Kulich

The most creatively named villain on the show, 'The Beast'. Seriously, how did they decide that that was going to be the winning name? I really wish that Spike was in season four of Angel just so he could say, "It's a big rock. I can't wait to tell my friends, they don't have a rock this big."

I like The Beast as a villain. I like him a lot. He's not the most talkative of guys, but dammit he's destructive! He easily defeats every member of Angel Investigations, which hadn't happened up to this point on the show. Memorable moments? Being the villain involved in the best fight scene that "Angel" ever did (on the rooftop during "Apocalypse, Nowish"), killing everyone in Wolfram & Hart except for Lilah Morgan, and blocking out the sun! 

There are just two things keeping The Beast from stomping higher up the list. 1) He is definitely not the 'Cult of Personality', is he? He has zero charisma and zero memorable conversations. Not the type of big rock you'd want at a tea party. 2) His character was greatly cheapened by the introduction of The Beast's master. This season had so much potential until the whole 'Beast master' and 'Jasmine' parts, but I digress...

36. The Master

No. Of Episodes: 8
First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"
Last Appearance: "Darla" (flashbacks)
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Season 1 & 3 (wishverse), Angel Season Two
Actor: Mark Metcalf

Some people might not agree with this statement, but I think The Master is just as important a part of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" getting picked up for a second season as anything else was. It's all well and good having likeable characters, but if the first major villain flops, it sets a precedence that the show's protagonist is going to easily defeat their foes. The Master actually succeeds in his grand plan to kill the Slayer and rise out of his prison. It's so rare to see a villain actually succeed. It was the perfect start for the show. Plus, The Master has charisma! He's the first villain with a sense of humour. In a weird way, he's loveable!

He's the classic vampire antagonist that Buffy needed for its first season. Leather-clad, cryptic, Gothic, part of an ancient order...he's what you're expecting the villain to be, only you don't expect him to be half so likeable. One of my criteria for this list is "the impact they had on the show and the characters around them". I've already established how important The Master was to the show. As far as the characters around him go, without The Master there would be no Darla (he sired her), no Angelus, no Drusilla, and no Spike. Let that sink in. That's not a world I want to live in. If season one was a full season, The Master may very well be 10 places higher on this list. Alas, it was not. You can't compare The Master's half season to the much more fleshed-out villains like Glory, The Mayor, and Angelus. For that reason, he's number 36 on my list.

35.Kate Lockley

No. Of Episodes: 15
First Appearance: "Lonely Hearts"
Last Appearance: "Epiphany"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Seasons 1 & 2
Actress: Elisabeth Rohm

Another example of wasted potential. Kate was perfect in her role for the first two years of "Angel". She brought a human element to the show that was missing. Sure, Cordelia and Wesley were human, but they were vampire hunters. Kate was the moral voice of reason from an unbiased standpoint until her father's death. Also, Angel and Kate's relationship was the most interesting for Angel (romantic or non-romantic) during the first two seasons. Their love-hate dynamic was a joy to watch. While Cordy and Angel grew closer and closer as time went on, Kate and Angel fell further and further apart. It was such an interesting thing to watch!

Also, Kate's attempted suicide and miraculous survival was excellently handled. Angel somehow entered her apartment to save her even though he was never invited in. A genuine goosebump-inducing moment. An interesting relationship with Angel, a decent amount of character development, and a memorable character all validate Kate's place on this list. The fact that she never returned is why she isn't higher. I've heard that Joss and the writing staff wanted Elisabeth to stay, but she chose a job on 'Law & Order' instead. 


No. Of Episodes: 36
First Appearance: "Lullaby" (baby)
Last Appearance: "Not Fade Away"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Seasons 3, 4 & 5
Actor: Vincent Kartheiser

Like Kennedy, I'm not a fan of the character of Connor, but that doesn't mean he's not worthy of a place on the list. The miracle child, the child that wasn't supposed to exist or be born...and a character that a lot of people wish wasn't. Connor has made the list because he's a huge part of Angel's character, Darla's character, Holtz's character, and affects many other characters, like Cordelia and Lorne. A baby being part of Angel Investigations sure as Hell wasn't in the brochure. The reason why Connor isn't higher up the list is because, well, frankly, he's boring. One-dimensional, constantly whining, never makes the right decision, and takes the word 'broody' to a level not even Angel can contend with. As an audience member, it can become draining watching Connor. Especially in the already dark and gloomy fourth season.

With all of that said, Connor should be that way! He was raised in a Hell dimension by a man who despised his father. Ever since he was a baby he was taught that vampires and demons are bad and will try to manipulate you. Connor should be full of angst and broodiness. He should have a turbulent relationship with his father. Just because I understand it, doesn't mean I have to like it or be interested in it. It went on for too long. Sooner or later there should have been a time where Angel and Connor could find peace. The fact that they couldn't make peace led to Connor siding with Jasmine, which ultimately led to Angel having to kill his son and give him a new life in one of the most emotional, heartbreaking scenes of "Angel". My heart broke for Connor in that scene. Enter Stephen. A well-adjusted, bright child that wasn't raised in Quor'toth. Stephen is what I always wanted from Angel's son. To conclude, Connor/Stephen is a memorable character that is worthy of this list whether you like him or not. His limitations and lack of character progression (that isn't the result of a spell) is what holds him back from moving further.

33.Jenny Calendar

No. Of Episodes: 12
First Appearance: "I Robot...You Jane"
Last Appearance: "Passion"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 1 & 2
Actress: Robia LaMorte

Jenny is a great character. Full of sass, a connection to the Scoobies due to being Giles' love interest, a techno-pagan, and highly loveable, Jenny is what you look for in a character. What Jenny always lacked was a character arc. This was brought in during "Surprise", where it is revealed that Jenny is actually a Kalderash Gypsy called 'Janna', who was sent to Sunnydale to keep an eye on Angel. That is where Jenny's character picked up momentum. Then, four episodes later, she's dead. Totally dead. Way dead. Not just a little dead ("don't you have an elsewhere to be?"). Simply put, Jenny just wasn't important enough for most of her time on the show to be placed higher than 32. When she did become important, she was quickly killed off. 

Jenny's greatest contributions to the show came after she died! "Passion" remains one of the finest episodes of television that I've ever seen. Jenny served the purpose of making Angelus the most memorable 'Big Bad' from "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" by killing off an important character. In addition to this, she has two phenomenal moments. 1) Angelus snapping her neck. That was unexpected. 2) Angelus delicately leaving her body in Giles' bed while leaving a trail of romantic breadcrumbs to lead Giles up there.  I can't...I just can't...

32.Warren Mears

No. Of Episodes: 11
First Appearance: "I Was Made To Love You"
Last Appearance: "Villains"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 5 & 6
Actor: Adam Busch

"Shangel! How can you possibly put Warren on this list! He's an asshole!" Yes, yes he is. That's exactly why he's on the list. This isn't a list of my favourite characters, it's a list of the greatest characters. Very few villains were more successful at getting the audience to despise them than Warren was. He's arguably the most hateable person on the show. Why? Because he's human. This man has a soul and a conscience the entire time! Warren represented the fact that you don't have to be a soulless monster to be evil. He killed Tara, shot Buffy, tried to rape his ex-girlfriend, Katrina, and created two sex-robots. That's one Hell of a disturbed individual. He does all of this with a soul.  

Warren is also the biggest catalyst as to why Willow turns dark and tries to destroy the world. Hate the character all you want (I do), but there's no denying that he's memorable, had a lasting impression on the show (Tara! *sadface*), and created some truly memorable moments. If there was one character that deserved to be flayed alive, it was him.

31.Harmony Kendall

No. Of Episodes: 31
First Appearance: "The Harvest"
Last Appearance: "Not Fade Away"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, Angel Seasons 2 & 5
Actress: Mercedes McNab

Harmony is a difficult character to place. She covers a lot of ground! Her first appearance is the second episode of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", "The Harvest", and her last episode is Angel's finale, "Not Fade Away". There is only one character that lasts longer than she does - Angel. In addition to this, she's a main character in Angel season five, dates Spike, is Cordelia's 'best friend', gets close to Lorne, and is an interesting character. She has longevity, she has some great moments, and she has two 'centric' episodes that are named after her ("Disharmony" and "Harm's Way"). These are all reasons that warrant her being named the 31st greatest Buffyverse character.

So why isn't she higher? Harmony starts off almost identical to Cordelia. They're both shallow, popular, obsessed with fashion and boys, and have a privileged lifestyle. Cordelia goes on to grow exponentially as a character. The Cordelia who dies in "You're Welcome" is almost unrecognisable from the character introduced in "Welcome To The Hellmouth." In comparison, Harmony doesn't really evolve at all. Even after she becomes a vampire she's basically the same person that she was before being sired. The closest Harmony came to growth was wanting to join "Angel Investigations" in "Disharmony", but she made the wrong decision in the end and went back to her selfish ways. The same happened again in Angel season five. As much as I'd love to place Harmony higher up the list, I can't justify doing so.

30.Riley Finn

No. Of Episodes: 31
First Appearance: "The Freshman"
Last Appearance: "As You Were"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 4, 5 & 6
Actor: Marc Blucas

Oh, boy. Putting Riley above fan-favourites like Harmony and Ethan Rayne will get me into some hot water, I'm sure! Remember though, this isn't a 'favourite characters' list. Riley is a more important part of the Buffyverse than those characters overall, in my opinion. Even if you don't like Riley as a character, you can't deny that he was a very important learning curve for Buffy. Buffy always wanted a normal life. She tried to grab it by dating a 'regular' guy. Turns out, Riley isn't so normal after all. He's part of a government institution known as 'the Initiative' that kills and experiments on vampires, demons, and other supernatural creatures. The concept of the Initiative was realistic, but the delivery was far from perfect. Riley taught Buffy that she can't have a normal relationship. She's super-human. Dating a human isn't a viable option. Riley was insecure that Buffy was stronger than him and didn't need him as much as he wanted.

During season four, Buffy and Riley were a strong couple. It might be the most stable one-year relationship that Buffy Summers has. Then Buffy had a tough time, Riley gets paranoid, gets bitten by vampires to get a high, then leaves Sunnydale. Believe it or not, this wasn't the original plan. Riley was supposed to last longer, but Joss realised that Riley wasn't connecting with the fans. Why? It was too soon after Angel had left for the fans to accept a new boyfriend! Riley is a far from perfect character. He is insecure, needy, and attention-seeking at times. But put yourself in his shoes. Buffy didn't open up to Riley like she did with Angel or Spike. Buffy did always keep Riley at a distance. He was right when he said that. The character of Riley gets some redemption when he comes back mentally stronger and more emotionally secure for season six's "As You Were" - with a wife in tow! If you look at the character of Riley without the prejudice, he played an important part in "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and in the development of Buffy Summers. For that reason he's number 30.

29. Jonathan Levinson

No. Of Episodes: 27
First Appearance: "Inca Mummy Girl"
Last Appearance: "Conversations With Dead People"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 2, 3, 4, 6 & 7
Actor: Danny Strong

Like Harmony, Jonathan is hard to place. He also covers a lot of ground. While he's never a main character like Harmony is, I feel like he gets more character progression than she does. Jonathan is the small, insecure, friendless boy that gets picked on at Sunnydale High. This leads to him being in a clocktower and attempting suicide. Who can't relate to Jonathan? Feeling so ignored and unloved that you want to give up on life. Buffy gives Jonathan the mother of all pep-talks and convinces Jonathan that everyone feels that way. Everyone has their problems and their demons. Jonathan reciprocates this speech when he awards Buffy the 'Class Protector' award in "The Prom". He's the perfect embodiment that one kind act can change your life.

By the time season four rolls around, Jonathan is again having insecurities. He creates an entire new world to make himself more powerful. This once caring character has started serving his own selfish desires. This trend continues and Jonathan joins Andrew and Warren in 'The Trio'. As The Trio gains more power and abilities, Jonathan starts to realise the error of his ways. He stands up to Warren. It took Jonathan a long time, but he ultimately changes his ways and wants to be a good man. Then Andrew stabs him. Stabby-stab-stab. This changing of behaviour, regardless of how late it comes, is why Jonathan outranks Harmony and Riley.

28.Principal Snyder

No. Of Episodes: 18
First Appearance: "The Puppet Show"
Last Appearance: "Graduation Day Part Two"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 1, 2 & 3
Actor: Armin Shimerman

The perfect recurring pain-in-the-ass for the Scoobies. Snyder uses authority and rules to get in their way time and time again. He does it in such a way that you end up actually liking him. He's an important character that appears in a lot of episodes. If we were given more backstory on him he'd rank even higher! I've speculated that The Mayor sent Snyder to Sunnydale High to keep an eye on the Slayer, but it's never confirmed. How did Snyder end up in Sunnydale? What was his life like before Sunnydale High? There are too many unanswered questions and a lack of character development to rank him higher than 28th. We're getting to the upper-echelon of characters now in the rankings and Snyder falls just short of that. 

Honestly, though, I could have placed him a little lower, but his actions in "Band Candy" mean that I can't think of Snyder without laughing. "Woah! Summers! You drive like a spazz!" and "Woah! There are some foxy ladies here tonight!" cement his place in the list.

27. Dawn Summers

No. Of Episodes: 66
First Appearance: "Buffy vs. Dracula"
Last Appearance: "Chosen"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 5, 6 & 7
Actress: Michelle Trachtenberg

There are a lot of similarities between Dawn and Connor. Neither are well-liked by the fandom, neither should exist, and both are the annoying, youthful element to their respective shows. Both characters have a handful of memorable moments, both characters affect the plot of at least one season in a big way, and both characters appear in three seasons. So why is Dawn seven places higher than Connor? Character development!

Go to Buffy season seven's "Potential" and listen to what Xander says about Dawn. Could the same be said to the Dawn of season five or six? Nope! Dawn went from a bratty teenager to being an actual member of the Scoobies. She became compassionate, strong, and hard-working in her own right. Connor never develops past the 'angsty teenager' stage. Also, Dawn literally changes the entire fabric of the show! Everything that came before is affected by Dawn's arrival due to everyone's memories being altered. Dawn's worthy of her place on this list.

26. Glory

No. Of Episodes: 12
First Appearance: "No Place Like Home"
Last Appearance: "The Gift"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Season 5
Actress: Clare Kramer

She may not be the brighest God in the Heavens, but she's the Queen of sass and style. As I mentioned before, Glory was one of only two villains that made me really worry for the Scoobies' safety (the other being Angelus). Every episode I was worried that Glory was going to kill someone. It's hard to capture that intensity in a character. Clare Kramer does a terrific job of making Glory larger-than-life and silly, yet also downright terrifying.

A homesick Hell-God bent on destruction is certainly a contender for the greatest 'Big Bad' of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer". The only thing holding Glory back is that she isn't as personally connected to the Scoobies as The Mayor and Angelus are. The Mayor has Faith and Angelus has Buffy. Glory has Dawn, but very few people really care about Dawn. For example, I have to listen to someone say they wished Dawn had jumped off the ledge and died, not Buffy, on a daily basis. Ouch. 

25. Lilah Morgan

No. Of Episodes: 35
First Appearance: "The Ring"
Last Appearance: "Home"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Seasons 1, 2, 3 & 4
Actress: Stephanie Romanov

Now we've started to get to the characters that all had a big impact on "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", "Angel", or both shows. Choosing between them starts to become more about personal preference than it was for numbers 50-26. All of them affected the show, all of them had memorable moments, and all of them had a certain appeal. What's going to differentiate these characters is their longevity, their character development/arc, and the extent to which they affected the Buffyverse.

Trying to choose between Lilah and Lindsey wasn't easy. I adore both characters and think both contributed a lot to the show. Lilah is an interesting character because she doesn't want to be good. She isn't acting out of grief or a rough childhood. She's evil because she likes the power and comforts that go along with it. It's so refreshing to see that! A character that is evil because she likes being evil!

That doesn't mean that Lilah is without problems. Her mother is in a care home and doesn't recognise her. The only time you see a different side to Lilah is when she's with Wesley, and even that started out as a power-play to try and get Wesley to join Wolfram & Hart. When it comes to playing the game, Lilah is the best that Wolfram & Hart ever had. She was in more episodes of "Angel" than any other Wolfram & Hart employee (I'm excluding "Angel Investigations") and she was the only Wolfram & Hart employee to survive The Beast.

24. Lindsey McDonald

No. Of Episodes: 21
First Appearance: "City Of"
Last Appearance: "Not Fade Away"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Seasons 1, 2 & 5
Actor: Christian Kane

I decided to go with Lindsey over Lilah because I feel like his journey is a more complete one (slightly). Lindsey is the only "Angel" character except Angel himself to appear in the very first episode ("City Of") and the very last episode ("Not Fade Away") of the show. I see many similarities between the characters of Faith and Lindsey. That's the type of character I tend to get drawn towards; characters that had a rough childhood and made a lot of mistakes on their journey. Where Faith eventually fixes her evil ways and seeks redemption like Angel did, Lindsey does not.

It's interesting to note that in Angel season one's "Blind Date", when Lindsey was telling Angel about his childhood, Angel feigns sleep and is rude to Lindsey. In comparison, he is never anything but supportive of Faith. If Angel had given Lindsey the same treatment as Faith, would Lindsey have chosen the job at Wolfram & Hart at the end of the episode? Probably, but it's a very complex thing to try and decipher. After Lindsey loses his hand, he is a much more interesting character. He has emotional complexity now. He's evil, but you feel sorry for him. Especially during "Dead End". Lindsey, horrified at where his new hand had come from, quits Wolfram & Hart and leaves Los Angeles. This was a nice ending for Lindsey, but it didn't quite fit with the character that we'd seen over the two years he was on the show.

Lindsey returns almost three years later, covered in tattoos and sporting shoulder-length hair. He finally accomplished his biggest goal: he had power. A lot of power. But that wasn't enough for Lindsey. He wanted to be in the Circle of the Black Thorn. This is what ultimately led to Lorne killing him on Angel's orders. When it's crunch time, Lindsey always chooses the wrong path. I don't agree with the decision to kill Lindsey, but I do understand it. Lindsey is slightly more complex and interesting than Lilah for me personally. Almost every character that appears higher than Lindsey is a main character in either "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" or "Angel" (or both).

23. Andrew Wells

No. Of Episodes: 28
First Appearance: "Flooded"
Last Appearance: "The Girl In Question"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 6 & 7, Angel Season 5
Actor: Tom Lenk

I debated for a long time as to whether or not I should place Andrew above Lindsey and Lilah. In the end I did because Andrew, yet again, shows more character development. Lindsey and Lilah start evil, maintain being evil, and die evil (to varying extents). Andrew evolves into a character that isn't afraid to fight or die for the cause. He knows he's made mistakes and he wants to make amends for them.

In addition to that, he's damn entertaining. I don't think there's a character that makes me laugh more in the final season of Buffy than Andrew does. That goes for Angel's "Damage" as well. Andrew licked a coin. Andrew started talking about 'Lord of the Rings' when he saw that Spike was alive. Andrew was just like most of us: geeky, obsessive, and questioned all of the Scoobies' sillier decisions and plot holes. Give him a bonus point for his 'Big Board' and you have a very complete character. The only things working against Andrew are the fact that he lacks longevity compared to the main characters and that he doesn't evolve as much as they do.


No. Of Episodes: 8
First Appearance: "A Hole In The World"
Last Appearance: "Not Fade Away"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Season 5
Actress: Amy Acker

I've got to say that Amy Acker is the reason why Illyria is so high on this list. After Fred's death (which I still maintain is the worst, most gut-wrenching death on the show), I was ready to despise Illyria with every fibre of my being. For the first few episodes I did. Then, in spite of myself, I found myself liking her. I found myself captivated whenever she was on screen (and I loathed myself for it!). Illyria has no concept of how humans work. Take Anyanka and multiply it by a thousand. Yet she finds herself stuck and relatively powerless.

Wesley helps her for no other reason than she looks like Fred (*pow*, right in the feels). They develop this weird, disturbing, unique, yet oddly sweet relationship. Through Wesley, Illyria learns how to channel her inner rage and even goes on to be an honourary member of Angel Investigations. She fights right alongside them against the Circle of the Black Thorn. She ticks the character development box (albeit, it's limited) and she definitely made her mark. What Illyria lacks is longevity. Compare Illyria's eight episodes against characters that have appeared in over a hundred and Illyria can't match up. If it was a list of favourite characters, Illyria would break the top 20. As it's a list of greatest characters, she's stuck at 22.

21. Mayor Richard Wilkins III

No. Of Episodes: 11
First Appearance: "Homecoming"
Last Appearance: "Graduation Day Part Two"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Season 3
Actor: Harry Groener

Widely considered one of the most successful 'Big Bads' of the Buffyverse, Mayor Richard Wilkins was unique. Before The Mayor and since The Mayor, I've never been able to find a villain that can be so likeable yet be so genuinely creepy at the flip of a switch. One similarity between The Mayor and Angelus is that they both like to use truth to destroy their enemies before killing them. The Mayor dismantles Buffy and Angel's relationship to stay one step ahead of the game, yet he does it in such a way that it appears like he genuinely cares about Buffy's future (a person that he fully intends to eat).

There are two things that make The Mayor go from 'great' to 'amazing'. His relationship with Faith is the first. The second is the fact that he's so gosh darn chipper. Constantly. Every second. How can you root for him to be killed when you're constantly laughing at him. He's the uncle that everyone wants! Except for that pesky wanting-to-become-a-demon thing, but that's a minor technicality. He's a germophobe that wants to be a Pure Demon. What. The. Hell. Interspersed between this hilarity are moments of genuine terror. The Mayor casually strolling into the library and remarking that he's going to eat Buffy remains one of the most memorable scenes of season three.

Then you have his wonderful relationship with Faith. Faith is a character that hasn't trusted anyone since arriving in Sunnydale (except briefly trusting Gwendolyn Post). Perhaps she hasn't ever trusted anyone before. The Mayor demonstrates fatherly affection towards her and she trusts him. It all just works. Like lightning in a bottle. I can't explain why it works, but the pairing of The Mayor and Faith is just wonderful. Faith loves The Mayor and would die for him. The Mayor has deep affection for Faith. Just go and watch the scene where he sees Faith in the pink dress. There is a fatherly love in his eyes. They make the perfect team. The Mayor has the power, the influence, and the charm. Faith has the believability that she could kill your favourite character at any moment.

If there is one thing to criticise about The Mayor's character, it's that the moments of terror are too few and far between. He sometimes comes across as more friend than foe. While that works for him, it doesn't make me fear for the Scoobies' lives.

20. Doyle

No. Of Episodes: 9
First Appearance: "City Of"
Last Appearance: "Hero"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Season 1
Actor: Glenn Quinn

Doyle is the highest ranked character that appears in less than 15 episodes. What merits a top 20 ranking for Doyle? Everything. I admit it, I'm a fanboy for Doyle. I'm English, but my grandfather was born and raised in Ireland. He moved to England in his late teens, but always kept his Irish accent. Irish accents make me think of my grandpa, which makes me attached to them. However, even without the Irish accent, Doyle is worthy of a top 20 placement. Here's a character that wasn't supposed to exist. Originally Whistler (from Buffy season two's "Becoming") was supposed to be Angel's connection to the Powers That Be, but due to Max Perlich's unavailability, the character of Doyle was created. Even after the character of Doyle was introduced, he was always supposed to die quickly. Glenn Quinn had the unfortunate job of trying to make a main character likeable enough in 9 episodes that the viewers would be devastated by his death. Boy, did he succeed.

Doyle was so memorable that they're still referencing him more than four years after his character had been killed off. If Doyle had survived until the end of the first season, I genuinely think he'd be remembered as one of the greatest characters of the Buffyverse. He was funny, charming, interesting, and had a very complex backstory. It's impressive how much we find out about Doyle's past in just 9 episodes. Alas, Joss felt like Doyle was too similar to Angel to last in the long-term. A character from Ireland with a demon inside him on a mission of redemption? I have no idea what Joss was talking about...Glenn Quinn was originally supposed to be "Angel" season four's 'Big Bad', but Charisma's pregnancy changed the plan. This is probably for the best as, sadly, Glenn died of a drug overdose during the filming of season four.

19. Drusilla

No. Of Episodes: 21
First Appearance: "School Hard"
Last Appearance: "The Girl In Question" (flashbacks)
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 2, 5 & 7, Angel Seasons 2 & 5
Actress: Juliet Landau

Bat-shit crazy. In the best possible way. I am a huge fan of all the 'Fanged Four'. Drusilla is another character (like Faith, Anya, Spike, Wesley, and many others) that lived far longer than she was supposed to. This is all thanks to the superb acting by Juliet. I swear, nobody else could play Drusilla so well. I've always thought that the mark of a good actor is when you can't imagine anyone else playing the part as well. That is what Juliet encompasses for me. She plays insane so creatively and realistically! From her facial expressions, to her movements, to the way she talks, she just is Drusilla. Right from the beginning! From the first scene in "School Hard", she just got Drusilla's character.

While Drusilla was never a main character and was only a prominent character of one season, she certainly was memorable and unique. Her relationship with Spike was the very first instance of showing that two soulless creatures can love each other. If Buffy season two was the best (a lot of people argue that it is), Drusilla is a big part as to why. Through the use of flashbacks, Drusilla is in seven years of the eight-year run that the Buffyverse had on television.

18. Darla

No. Of Episodes: 25
First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"
Last Appearance: "The Girl In Question" (flashbacks)
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 1, 2 & 5, Angel Seasons 1-5
Actress: Julie Benz

Choosing between Darla and Drusilla wasn't easy. Both characters are similar. What Drusilla is to Spike, Darla is to Angel. I eventually decided on Darla because of her character arc. The character of Drusilla stays the same after she regains a section of her sanity in Buffy season two's "What's My Line", whereas Darla's arc is much more interesting. Originally a second-in-command to The Master, Darla was brought back as a human at the end of Angel season one. She spent season two trying to come to grips with having a soul and feeling remorse for all the horrific things that she did as a vampire (we get to see this in much more depth than we do with Angel or Spike after they regain their souls), before being tragically turned back into one by Drusilla. The granddaughter became the grandmother....well, that's just confusing.

My favourite part of Darla's character arc is the last part. Through Connor's soul, Darla temporarily becomes a vampire with a soul. She knows that these feelings of love that she has for her son will fade after he is born, so she sacrifices herself to save her son. It was also prophecised that Connor wouldn't be born at all, so Darla's sacrifice meant that Connor lived. She died to bring her son into the world. There's no more perfect ending for this complex character. Her entire arc is criminally underrated.

17. Joyce Summers

No. Of Episodes: 54
First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"
Last Appearance: "The Body"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 1-5
Actress: Kristine Sutherland

Joyce is one of the best mothers in television history, but it wasn't smooth sailing. Joyce made some very questionable decisions in season two. She sided with Ted over her own daughter when Buffy told her that Ted struck her, she was very unfair to Buffy in "Bad Eggs", and she told Buffy in "Becoming" that if she left, she shouldn't go back, after discovering that Buffy is the Slayer! By the time Buffy returns home at the end of "Anne", Joyce has basically become the greatest mother ever. She supports her daughter and trusts her wholeheartedly.

For seasons four and five, Joyce is damn-near perfect. Little did we know that in season five Joss Whedon was intentionally making Joyce more and more loveable so that her death would hurt even more. Bad man. If Joyce was going to die, I'm glad that it was by natural causes and not due to being killed. It reinforces the point that Buffy can't fight death and disease. With all her superpowers, she still has to deal with very normal issues. Originally, Joss never intended for Buffy's mother to be seen. She was supposed to be this presence in Buffy's life that the audience never get to Howard's mother in "The Big Bang Theory". I'm so happy that he changed his mind. Joyce brings a warmth and innocence to "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" that would be sorely missed without her. She's the only active parent of the show's main character. For those reasons, she's worthy of 17th place.

16.Tara Maclay

No. Of Episodes: 45
First Appearance: "Hush"
Last Appearance: "Seeing Red"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 4, 5 & 6
Actress: Amber Benson

There were four couples in this list that were hard to choose between. Lilah/Lindsey was the first, Drusilla/Darla was the second, and this is the third. Oz vs. Tara. They appear in a similar amount of episodes, the same amount of seasons, and spent roughly the same amount of time in a relationship with Willow. So how do you choose between them? While I slightly prefer Willow and Tara as a couple because they were so ground-breaking and adorable together, I think that Oz slightly outranks Tara as a character. I'll explain why in Oz's paragraph.

Tara is often times the moral compass of the Scoobies. This explains why Buffy goes to Tara when she starts having sex with Spike. Tara judges nobody and is an all-round wonderful human being. However, as Tara says herself, she never truly feels like a Scooby. She's always just outside the bubble. It's not until midway through season five that she starts to really integrate with them and by the beginning section of season six, she leaves them again due to her relationship breakdown with Willow. Without a doubt, Tara is one of the most wonderful, interesting, caring characters of either show, but it feels like there's something holding her back from that very, very top level. Perhaps it's because she doesn't evolve as much as the characters that rank above her.

15.Daniel 'Oz' Osbourne

No. Of Episodes: 39
First Appearance: "Inca Mummy Girl"
Last Appearance: "New Moon Rising"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 2, 3 & 4 and Angel Season 1
Actor: Seth Green

Honestly, Oz leaving the show is one of the most heartbreaking moments for me. He didn't get killed off, he chose to leave the Scoobies behind. For some reason that hurts more. There are two reasons why I feel that Oz is a greater character overall than Tara. Firstly, he has more character development. Oz has to deal with the wolf within him. As the show progresses it becomes more apparent that the wolf is always there, even if it only emerges 3 nights a month. Oz leaves in search of answers and he returns half a season later cured. He's learned to control his werewolf side...mostly. Tara has no such struggles. The closest she comes to this is the season five episode, "Family", but I don't feel like that can quite compare to Oz's two-year struggle. Secondly, Oz has some of the best, funniest lines from either show. He has me in stitches. His laconic nature, his laidback attitude, and his blank expression make Oz a truly great character when surrounded by the hyper-emotional Scoobies.

14. Lorne

No. Of Episodes: 76
First Appearance: "Judgment"
Last Appearance: "Not Fade Away"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Seasons 2, 3, 4 & 5
Actor: Andy Hallett

If this was a list of my favourite characters, Lorne would be in the top 10. Possibly top 5. The sassiest, best dressed, most flamboyant demon in the entire Buffyverse! In a universe dominated by strong human and vampire characters, Lorne is the only main character that is a demon. We have some half-demons, like Doyle, and later Cordelia, but Lorne is pure demon. Lorne loves everyone indiscriminately. He doesn't judge humans, or demons, or vampires, or werewolves. Lorne values all lives. Not only that, but Lorne provides some much needed music for "Angel". "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" has The Bronze, "Angel" eventually gets Caritas, a demon karaoke bar where everyone is safe from harm...mostly. There's this loophole about the staircase, but what are the odds of somebody being intelligent enough to know that?

Lorne is an empath demon. When you sing, he reads your past, probable future, feelings, and emotions. That's one heck of a gift to have. Due to this, Lorne is more perceptive than the rest of Angel Investigations. He develops a close relationship with every member of the team in one way or another. At the forefront of that are Angel and Fred. After Fred died (Lorne punching Eve remains one of the best moments ever), Lorne lost his trademark sassiness and infectious positivity. He became a shell of his former self. After killing Lindsey on Angel's orders, Lorne leaves Angel Investigations as a depressed, changed man. Ironically, the demon who loves everyone and is always happy is the one who ends up getting broken the most. The conclusion to Lorne's story is a sad one. The fact that Andy Hallett died 5 years after the show finished is even more sad. A talented, wonderful man is gone far too soon.

13. Charles Gunn

No. Of Episodes: 91
First Appearance: "War Zone"
Last Appearance: "Not Fade Away"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Seasons 1-5
Actor: J. August Richards

Gunn is the character that I hold at the very top of my list of underrated characters by the fandom. A lot of people seem to dislike him and I have no idea why. It was great to see that the 'Caucasian Persuasion' (as Mr. Trick would say) didn't extend to Los Angeles, and the first black main cast member was born. The biggest problem I have with Gunn's character is that he's directionless. Until his upgraded-brain in season five, Gunn doesn't really have a character arc. He provides muscle and humour sometimes, but he's never treated as a character on the same level as Angel, Cordelia, or Wesley, which is a shame.

Gunn's character started promisingly. After growing up on the streets fighting vampires, Gunn lost his sister to vampires. She became a vampire and Gunn had to kill her. Hard times. After this event, it's like the writing staff thought, "Okay, what do we do with him now?" and never came up with anything. Don't get me wrong, there were bursts of greatness. Episodes like "That Old Gang Of Mine" and "Players" are great in showing you an insight into Gunn's mental state, but it never feels like enough. I want more character development for Gunn! If he had that, he'd be a top 10 character. Even his relationship with Fred feels like little more than a way to postpone Wesley and Fred. While on the subject of Fred, I don't hold Gunn responsible for Fred's death. All he did was sign a piece of paper. He certainly didn't help matters, but he couldn't have any idea of what was to come.

Loyal, hard-working, underratedly funny, and terrified of rats, Gunn has more than earned 13th place.

12.Anya Jenkins

No. Of Episodes: 80
First Appearance: "The Wish"
Last Appearance: "Chosen"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 3-7
Actress: Emma Caulfield

Anya was originally a replacement for Cordelia. She was supposed to provide the comedic relief by speaking a little too honestly about how she's feeling. Then, something wonderful happened, Anya developed beyond that as a character. Anya became frustrated with not being able to understand humans. Her incredible breakdown in "The Body" is evidence of that. Eventually, Anya grows to understand and respect humans. She becomes one of them.

Anya's relationship with Xander might be my second favourite on the show after Willow-Tara. These two characters just fit together so well. I'm not sure why they do, but they do. Anya was originally supposed to die in "The Gift". Joss decided to keep her around, which was a great decision. I would argue that Anya is the show's funniest character. A void would have been created by her absence that wouldn't have been filled until Andrew became an honourary Scooby in season seven. From Vengeance Demon to forced-human, to Vengeance Demon again, to human, Anya's journey over her five years on the show is a beautiful thing. Her brutally quick death in the very last episode, "Chosen", is an oddly fitting end for her. I hate her death, but it's fitting that she finally came to love humans and went down fighting to defend them instead of running away like she did in "Graduation Day".


No. Of Episodes: 15
First Appearance: "Innocence"
Last Appearance: "Orpheus"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Season 2 & Angel Season 4
Actor: David Boreanaz

Angelus is the Buffyverse's most successful villain, in my opinion. We'd spent a year and a half being told how evil Angel was before his soul was restored, and Angelus lived up to the hype and then exceeded it. What differentiated Angelus from the rest of the pack is that he was ruthless and brutal. Angelus didn't want to kill Buffy, he wanted to destroy her. Mind, body, and soul. While this is his biggest weakness (why not just kill Buffy and get it over with?!), it's also his biggest strength.

Angelus stalked Buffy, stalked Joyce, killed Willow's fish, then snapped Jenny's neck and left her cold corpse in Giles' bed for him to find after following a romantic trail of breadcrumbs. No other villain could live up to that! Angelus was more personally connected to the Scoobies than any villain from either show. Angel was one of the Scoobies!

Another of Angelus' greatest strengths was his ability to manipulate people with the truth. His scenes with Angel Investigations while locked in a cage are nothing short of captivating. A character that could never die while Angel lived, Angelus was always a threat. Any episode that he was in was instantly made better. He's the most successful villain of the Buffyverse and the lasting impact he had on the show cannot be overstated. "Innocence" and "Passion" put "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" on the map in a lot of ways. Without Angelus that wouldn't be possible.

10.Winifred 'Fred' Burkle

No. Of Episodes: 62
First Appearance: "Over The Rainbow"
Last Appearance: "A Hole In The World"
Appeared In Season(s): Angel Seasons 2-5
Actress: Amy Acker

Fred. What more is there to say. On a show that is almost a sausage-fest, Fred is one of only two important female characters of "Angel". She's sweet, caring, nerdy, and so adorably cute that every male in Angel Investigations wants to protect her with their life. Simply, Fred ticks every box. She's a long-serving member of the team, she has a tremendously fleshed-out character arc (being sent to Pylea, being a slave, having trouble adjusting to being back on Earth, hunting down the Professor who sent her there, becoming a leader, then dying), and she impacted "Angel" more than almost any other character.

Fred went from a victim to a bona fide leader. That's all there is to say.

9. Faith Lehane

No. Of Episodes: 26
First Appearance: "Faith, Hope & Trick"
Last Appearance: "Chosen"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 3, 4 & 7, Angel Seasons 1, 2 & 4
Actress: Eliza Dushku

My personal favourite character arc out of any character in the Buffyverse. A character so good that I named a syndrome after her - "Five By Five Syndrome". This is where Faith returns for an episode or two, and the episode that follows her departure suffers from a lack of Faith. Any episode with Faith in seems to be great. She's the bad Slayer, the dark Slayer, Darth Faith! Interestingly, Faith appears in just 26 episodes of the show, yet she feels as much of an important part of the show as the main cast do.

There are two reasons why I feel Faith's placement above Tara, Oz, Gunn, Lorne, and Fred is justified. 1) Her character arc. Think about the journey this character goes through. From the jealous Slayer, to an accidental murderer, to a genuine murderer, to finding redemption and trying to make amends for the destruction she caused. It wasn't an easy journey for Faith. Even after she wanted to change it wasn't easy. Faith was relatable to me because she had such a rough journey. She grew up with an alcoholic, abusive mother, her Watcher was murdered in front of her by Kakistos, and then she accidentally kills a human and downward-spirals into some of the darkest places that the Buffyverse goes. It's nothing short of spectacular to watch. 2) Her relationships. Faith has three really complex, interesting relationships. She has her surrogate father-daughter relationship with The Mayor, which I've already mentioned is a twisted way. She has a unique light/dark Slayer relationship with Buffy, which I think is one of the best explored relationship dynamics in the Buffyverse. Finally, she has her relationship with Angel. There is no character that understands Faith like Angel does. He's been where she is. All that darkness, having no hope, no way out...he's lived it. There is no other character that could have pulled Faith out of the darkness except Angel. The scene in the alley where Faith breaks down always makes me teary-eyed.

8. Xander Harris

No. Of Episodes: 143
First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"
Last Appearance: "Chosen"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 1-7
Actor: Nicholas Brendon

Recently I've noticed a lot of hate for Xander. I've never seen much of it before, but the past 6 months has been Xander-hating season or something. To a certain extent, I can understand the Xander-hate when it comes to the first three seasons of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer". Xander is immature and makes some very questionable decisions (such as "kick his ass"). However, I like this about Xander's character for the most part. He's relatable and flawed. He's immature, he thinks about sex a lot...he's a typical teenage male. No special powers, no ridiculous intelligence. Xander is just like 99% of the males watching the show. He doesn't go to college and he just drifts through life for a couple of years before finding his footing.

Having Xander be so immature and without high intelligence or special abilities makes Xander's character arc all the more impressive. Xander uses this to his advantage. He becomes the guy who sees everything. He's the most perceptive member of the Scoobies. When Riley and Buffy are falling apart, only Xander notices. Only Xander takes action to try and rectify the situation. Xander is Buffy's most loyal friend. He's Buffy's "white knight". He appears in 143 episodes of the Buffyverse and the only thing keeping him from being higher up the list is that I prefer the other seven character arcs and find them to be more important characters overall.

7.Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

No. Of Episodes: 109
First Appearance: "Bad Girls"
Last Appearance: "Not Fade Away"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Season 3 & Angel Seasons 1-5
Actor: Alexis  Denisof

Wesley, in my opinion, has the biggest character development out of any character from either show. Go and watch "Bad Girls", then watch "Not Fade Away". Wesley is an entirely different person, but without losing sight of the character all together. Arriving in Sunnydale as a ridiculous, cowardly, flag-up-his-ass Watcher of Faith, Wesley is not a character that is easy to like (outside of the fact that he's absolutely hilarious). After being fired by the Watcher's Council for being, well, a pretty shitty Watcher, he becomes a rogue demon hunter ("What's a rogue demon?"). He joins up with Angel and Cordelia for one case, and then ends up staying permanently after lingering in the doorway for an inordinate amount of time.

Over the course of the next five years, Wesley transforms into a badass. He loses his clumsiness, develops muscles and facial hair, and learns how to fight. The transformation from 'clumsy' to 'badass' is not an easy one though. There's heartache, broken relationships, and a slit-throat along the way. All of Wesley's friends abandon him after he steals baby Connor, thinking that Connor is in danger from Angel. Wesley does the best thing he could under the circumstances he was in and he gets outcast for it. He couldn't talk to Angel, as he was a part of the prophecy. He couldn't talk to Fred or Gunn because of the awkward love-triangle, he wasn't overly-close to Lorne at this point, and Cordelia, tragically, was away at the time. After being abandoned, Wesley becomes bitter. He enters a 'relationship' with Lilah just to feel something other than numb. Almost a year passes before Wesley is a part of the team he used to be the leader of again. In the final season, the love of Wesley's life, Fred, dies just after they'd finally gotten together. This breaks Wesley. He's never the same again. During the final episode of Angel, Wesley tells Illyria that there's nothing left in the world that he wants. He dies a hero in the fake-arms of Fred, closing the final chapter on the character of Wesley. As much as I hate his death, yet again, it was fitting. Wesley was broken by this point. He had nothing left to live for.

It cannot be argued that Wesley is one of the most well developed, most important characters in the Buffyverse. For this reason, he's 7th on my list.

6. Cordelia Chase

No. Of Episodes: 140
First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"
Last Appearance: "You're Welcome"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 1-3, Angel Seasons 1-5
Actress: Charisma Carpenter

If Wesley is the character that has the most development, Cordelia would be 1a. She is unrecognisable from the character introduced in "Welcome To The Hellmouth" by the time she passes away in "You're Welcome". From the Queen Bitch of Sunnydale High to becoming a Higher Being, Cordelia's entire journey is phenomenally handled. One of the things that makes her so memorable is her wonderful relationship with Angel. They naturally transform from best friends to having romantic feelings for each other. When I first watched this, I was 13(ish) years old and I hated it when Angel and Cordelia developed feelings for each other. Looking back at it now, it was perfectly natural progression and it always looked like it could be heading that way. I'm gonna get controversial here: While I feel that Angel and Buffy are 'soul mates', I feel like Angel and Cordelia are much better suited for each other. Cordelia knows Angel better than Buffy ever did. She spent years working alongside him. They were the only two original members of Angel Investigations that survived the first season.

I would place Cordelia above Giles, but I feel like the Jasmine arc tainted Cordelia's character too much for me to allow it to happen. I understand that Cordelia was possessed, but it took so damn long to get to that reveal that it feels like Cordelia herself was the villain. I despised that entire season in relation to Cordelia's character. Outside of Angel season four, Cordelia was one of the most consistently funny, interesting characters of the Buffyverse. Above all else, her transformation makes her a truly remarkable character.

5.Rupert Giles

No. Of Episodes: 119
First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"
Last Appearance: "Chosen"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 1-7
Actor: Anthony Head

We've reached the top 5! It starts with Giles. There is nothing wrong with Giles' character at all. He's 5th simply because the four above him evolve much, much more. By the time "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" starts, Giles is already an adult. He doesn't need to 'find himself' or figure out who he is. He already knows that. He's the father-figure of the Scoobies and he's the man with all the knowledge. It's not a coincidence that after Giles leaves, everybody's life falls apart. Buffy is depressed and banging Spike, Xander leaves Anya at the altar, Willow's a magic-addicted, mind-raping meanie, Dawn's a klepto, Anya is a Vengeance Demon again....only Tara comes out of that season looking good and she doesn't even come out of it alive! Daddy disappears for six months and the Scoobies fall apart. That is why Giles is so important. He keeps the Scoobies grounded.

Honestly, though, there are two reasons why I really love Giles (aside from the fact he's English, like me). His dry, sarcastic sense of humour is the first reason. Seriously, I die laughing. It's so terribly realistic to English people that I can only assume Tony Head ad-libbed half of his insults and snarky comments. The second, and most important reason, is his relationship with Buffy. Giles' surrogate-father relationship with Buffy was a great source of comfort to me during my childhood. My own father disappeared when I was eight years old and I never recovered a relationship with him. I see him once or twice a year for an hour or so and that's it. Giles and Buffy helped show me that you can choose your own family. You can make your own father. Family doesn't end with blood.

4. Willow Rosenberg

No. Of Episodes: 147
First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"
Last Appearance: "Chosen"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 1-7, Angel Seasons 2 & 4
Actress: Alyson Hannigan

As far as "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" goes, Willow easily has the most character development. She starts out as a character that is shy, bullied, can't talk to boys, and is pushed around by everyone. Little by little she gains confidence. The wonderful thing about this is that it was a slow build. In season two, Willow got a boyfriend, in season three, she started to practise magic with dedication, in season four, she had enough confidence and strength to come out as being in a lesbian relationship. By the time season six rolled around, Willow had too much confidence. She starts manipulating the people around her. She mind-rapes Tara and she starts down a path that will ultimately end with a skinless Warren and trying to destroy the world.

Xander saves Willow with his "Yellow Crayon" speech (my heart...) and Willow spends season seven trying to re-balance her life and trying to find some sort of peace with what she did and with Tara's death. There's also that whole Kennedy thing, but I'm skipping over that abomination...

There is no doubt that Willow is an iconic character. She might be the people's favourite character. She appears in 147 episodes of the Buffyverse and she helped a generation of young girls be more comfortable in who they are. On top of all of that, Willow and Tara's relationship helped a generation of people come out. It wasn't a ratings stunt, it wasn't a sham, it wasn't over in three was just two people in love. Beautiful. There are just three characters that I feel are more important to the Buffyverse than Willow. It wasn't easy choosing between the top four, but I tried to be as objective as possible.

3. Angel

No. Of Episodes: 148 (excludes Angelus)
First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"
Last Appearance: "Not Fade Away"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 1-5, 7 & Angel Seasons 1-5
Actor: David Boreanaz

"Angel ahead of Willow, Shangel?! You've lost your damn mind!" Perhaps, but I feel it's justified. Angel appears in more episodes of the Buffyverse than any other character. By some margin. He's the only character that appears in eight seasons of the Buffyverse as an important part of each season. He's the longest-running character in the Buffyverse, having started in episode 1, "Welcome To The Hellmouth", and finishing in episode 254, "Not Fade Away". He covers the entire series. Angel is, arguably, my favourite character. I say 'arguably' because it changes every few weeks.

He is definitely the most fleshed-out character in the Buffyverse, due to the huge host of flashbacks we get of him. We learn about his life before becoming a vampire, we see him sired, we see his reign of terror with Darla, we see him cursed, we see various points of his life after being cursed, we see him watch Buffy being called, we see his life in Sunnydale, and we see his life in Los Angeles.

His character journey is an interesting one. It's an ever-changing system of redemption, making mistakes, redemption, making mistakes, and some more redemption. I love the fact that Joss allows his leading character (in "Angel") to be so flawed! It makes him much more interesting! I mentioned earlier that there were four couples that were hard to choose between. Angel and Spike are the fourth pair. I know that this will offend some of you, but Angel and Spike are more similar than they are different. They have different personalities and temperaments, but their fundamental journeys are similar. We get a huge host of flashbacks on both characters, they've been through a lot of the same experiences historically, as they used to be 'friends', they both are re-ensoulled, they both love Buffy, they're both loyal, and they're both spectacular characters. I ultimately decided Spike should be higher simply because, yet again, his character arc was slightly better. Spike fought to win his soul back. Spike fought to be a better 'man', whereas Angel had his soul thrust upon him. While this doesn't diminish Angel's character arc at all, it does mean that Spike slightly edges out Angel on this list.

Angel is one of the two lead characters of the Buffyverse. Some of you may question his place on this list, but I feel like it's more than justified. After moving to Los Angeles, Angel became a genuinely remarkable character.


No. Of Episodes: 120
First Appearance: "School Hard"
Last Appearance: "Not Fade Away"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 2-7, Angel Seasons 1, 2 & 5
Actor: James Marsters

Spike. The bad-boy vampire that went from 'villain' to earning his soul back voluntarily. Spike's journey in the Buffyverse was another one that was amazing to watch unfold. What makes Spike so great is that he appeals to everyone. Guys want to be him, girls want to be with him, and damn near everyone loves him.

Entering Sunnydale (in spectacular fashion), Spike was a villain. However, by halfway through season two, it becomes apparent that Spike isn't really that evil. He likes to cause chaos and have fun, but he doesn't want to destroy the world. In fact, he likes this world. All the people he can eat and dog racing! Spike is an anomaly amongst vampires. We are told that vampires are nothing more than a demon that has killed the human that was there beforehand, yet Spike is capable of love and heroic actions before he is re-ensoulled. He's a hero long before he gets his soul back. The man who was "love's bitch" as a human remains love's bitch as a vampire.

Another reason why Spike is the second greatest character of the Buffyverse, aside from his character development, is his look. Slicked-back blonde hair, leather jacket, Gothic clothing, painted nails, an English accent and 'dem cheekbones', makes Spike instantly cool. His appearance raises his stock. Throw in the bad-boy personality and the quick-witted sense of humour and you have the recipe for a character that will stand the test of time.

Finally, Spike is interesting, entertaining, and loveable, regardless of his role. He's the guy you love to hate as a villain, he's the guy you cry with laughter at when he's miserable and trying to kill himself in Buffy season four, and he's the guy you're rooting for to become a hero in the later seasons of Buffy. Spike sacrifices himself to save the world. That justifies his character arc more than I ever could. Even after all of that, Spike arrives in Los Angeles as a ghost and ultimately learns that the world is more important than Buffy. He still loves Buffy, but he feels like stopping Wolfram & Hart and helping people is more important than trying to find Buffy Summers. Spike, simply, is an icon.

1.Buffy Summers

No. Of Episodes: 146
First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"
Last Appearance: "Chosen"
Appeared In Season(s): Buffy Seasons 1-7, Angel Season 1
Actress: Sarah Michelle Gellar

Speaking of icons, we've arrived at number one, Buffy Summers. Was there ever any doubt? It would be a disservice to both shows to have anyone else in the number one slot. Buffy Summers is the reason that either show exists. Buffy Summers is the person that inspired Xander and Willow to grow as people. Buffy Summers is the reason Spike got his soul back. Buffy Summers saved the world more times than anyone else in the Buffyverse. Buffy Summers was the role model for multiple generations of children, teenagers, and adults everywhere. She's an inspiration to young women around the world. She was one of the very first female heroines on television.

In addition to all of this, Buffy's journey is superb. While I don't always agree with the character that she becomes after being raised from the dead (for the second time), there's no denying that she's a great leader, an amazing friend, and a saviour to the world. She finishes the show getting what she'd wanted since the beginning; a chance to live life the way she wants to. With the Hellmouth gone, she can have a 'normal' life if she wants one...until the comics start, but that's a story for another day.

45 A4-pages later, thank you so much for reading this list! What a journey it was writing it! I hope you enjoyed it.

Now that my "top 50 greatest characters" list is complete, who do you think are the greatest 50 characters? If you don't have time to list 50, what about the top 25 or top 10? Give me all your thoughts in the comments section below!

If you wish to read my reviews of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" (and soon, "Angel"), my reviews of 'Hallowhedon 5' or 'Vampire Ball 4' (where I met Alexis Denisof, Tom Lenk, Christian Kane, and a whole host of other people), or read my list where I rank every episode of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and "Angel", just click this link here.

Also, there are conveniently placed buttons for you to share this post via Email, Google+, Twitter, Facebook, and Blogger! It would really mean a lot to me if you gave this post a little love. Thank you.


  1. I may not agree on some of the others but the top twenty was spot on for me. Of course, Buffy is the greatest. And she's on top of Spike. Chart wise. *snigger* Any woman would be jealous of her.

    1. Hahaha, Buffy’s on top of Spike! Mwhahahaha.

  2. Shane your top 50 is amazing and I enjoy reading how you rate the characters.I so enjoy reading this blog on a daily basis.And your summary of each character is incredible.

    1. Awwww! Thank you very much, Aurora! That really means a lot to me :D

      - Shangel

  3. I would have to say that my Top 10 Greatest Buffyverse Characters are:
    10: Giles
    9: Winifred Burkle
    8: Charles Gunn
    7: Cordelia Chase
    6: Spike
    5: Willow Rosenberg
    4: Wesley Wyndam Pryce
    3: Faith
    2: Angel
    1: Buffy Anne Summers
    This woman was so strong and powerful, that she has died 3 times (The clinical death counts) and she STILL STANDS!
    Her wit and humanity stand her above everyone else and I love her for it....
    We laughed, fought and cried every step of the way with Buffy.....

    1. It's a solid list, Winston!

      Couldn't agree with you more in regards to what you said about Buffy.

      - Shangel

  4. Danielle Willmott16 January 2014 at 14:11

    This list is absolutely amazing. I think the only thing I would of done different is put Willow in front of Angel and Fred higher up. Of course that is just at a quick thought, I'm sure if I made a list it would be different :p I especially loved the Fred and Illyria paragraphs! With Fred being my second favourite Buffyverse character! It's also nice to see that Dawn and Connor are put in top 50, because for once, someone is actually looking at their story, the impact they had on the shows, and not just hating them because they are whiny. :p The detail and time you put into this list baffles me. I have never seen someone care about something so much, and it's amazing to see. Brilliant list, Shane! Proud of you dude! :)

    1. I am growing to like Dawn more and more everytime I rewatch season 7. Connor likeage is slowly getting there – mainly because of him coming to Angel at the end of season 5.

  5. I just wanna put it out there that one of the reasons I pick oz before tara is because he helped her become more confident in who she was. The willow who eventually met tara never wouldve existed without oz helping her realize her own desirability and awesomeness. Pretty spot on list Shane!

  6. Great list! :D Loved the paragraphs about each character- I definitely agree about a lot of them! :)
    My list of greatest Buffyverse characters are
    1. Buffy Summers
    2. Angel
    3. Spike
    4. Giles
    5: Willow
    6: Xander
    7: Cordelia
    8: Wesley
    9: Fred
    10: Lorne
    11: Faith
    12: Gunn
    13: Oz
    14: Anya
    15: Tara

    1. Thank you very much, Shena! :D. Thank you for taking the time to read it!

      Your list is great too! The characters are almost identical to my top 15, only in a slightly different order :)

      - Shangel

  7. Number one and two are just perfect!! They are icons, they are complements and they are unique. Buffy and Spike on top, great note by the way!

  8. I think your list is great. Always love to see what your perspective is. Thanks for spending the time on this and sharing Shangel!!

    1. That means a lot to me, Andrea, thank you! Thank YOU for taking the time to read it :D

      - Shangel

  9. Whenever you make references to a character being ahead of other characters that were arguably more important I never saw you mention Sahjhan, who has a much, much greater impact on Angel: The Series than most characters listed. Certainly more than characters like Groo, or than tons of the Buffy characters had on that show.

    1. Sahjhan was the one who made the deal with Holtz and had him sent to the present. He was also the co-big bad of S3.

    2. Sahjhan altered the propechies about Connor causing Wesley to kidnap him. In other words, Sahjhan was hugely responsible for Wesley betraying Angel, being abandoned by his group, going down the dark path he went and becoming the badass we love.

    3. Sahjhan was the one who opened the portal to the hell dimension Holtz jumped into with Connor. He was not expecting said outcome as he just wanted them to kill the baby, but by closing the gates after them and keeping Angel out, he was the main source in Connor growing up without his father. Of course, Holtz turned him against Angel, but Sahjhan was responsible for the envirement he grew up in, and therefor also the person he'd become - Holtz was planning on rising him on a farm, this made him a demon killer.

    4. Sending Connor into a hell dimension he made Angel a torturer, of Linwood mind you, but a torturer all the same. Angelus' game. One of the darkest places we have seen him. It also made it try to smother Wesley with a pillow.

    5. He was only trapped in the season of which he was the co-big bad and his story was completed in season 5 when Connor fulfilled this part of his destiny - killing Sahjhan. In this, the new version of Connor, or Stephen if you will, fought for good, and learnt to use his powers in his new well-adjusted state.

    1. You make a very strong case for Sahjhan, Gloede. Some excellent points raised! He was actually 51st on my list.

      - Shangel

    2. I agree with everything Gloede said.

  10. I have a couple of comments. First off, it was so long I wasn't going to read it all, but I couldn't help myself and finished it. Second, we see Jenny again in "Amends", even if she's only an image of the first, the actress is still back as the character. Lastly, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at the thought of Spike being in Angel season 4 and mocking the Beast with the comments he made when Acathla's tomb was unearthed (people, leave your tombs earthed!). I loved your quotes and references!

    1. Hi Jennifer!

      Thank you for taking the time to read it all! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

      In reference to Jenny, I ignored appearances by 'The First' on the statistics except for 'The First' itself. The statistics are for the characters, not the actors, and as it wasn't actually Jenny, I didn't include it in her statistics :D

      - Shangel

  11. I just feel that I should point out that Snyder's last episode was actually Restless when he appears in Xander's dream.

    1. Hi Gwen,

      Thank you for reading!

      I ignored Snyder's appearance in "Restless" as it was just a dream. The statistics ignore dreams and appearances by The First Evil (except on The First Evil's statistics), as it's not reaaaallly the characters :D

      - Shangel

  12. Shane!! That was a great read, and a great list. So glad to see Spike at number 2. He deserves it! Thank you so much for taking the time, you're awesome :)

  13. I think Anya is a best character than Fred, but I agree with almost the whole list. Thanks for sharing Shane :)

  14. Angela Aranghelovici19 January 2014 at 07:45

    This has been a true treat to read, Shangel. I LOVE what you say about each and every character, and I agree with your choices. I didn't think trying to be objective about this sort of thing was something possible, but your explanations are very well thought out and you show amazing insight into all the characters, so you've convinced me otherwise. Now I can't wait to read your top 50 favourite characters! :D And I would also love to some day read your top 100 greatest characters (so places 51-100). :)

    I promised you a top 20 favourite characters, but I decided to go for a top 15 instead. So, yes, these are my FAVOURITE characters, not greatest. If I were to do a greatest list, it would probably be very very similar to yours.
    I adore almost all Buffyverse characters, BTVS and Angel are the only shows I've watched that excel at making each character extraordinary. I am probably going to get hate for this top 15, but, again, I love all characters, but these are just the ones that I feel I connect with in special ways and more than I do with other characters.
    Placing them in a order of preference has been very hard, and I’ll probably change my mind in a few days so feel free to disregard the order.

    1. Cordy
    2. Buffy
    3. Angel
    4. Wesley
    5. Faith
    6. Tara
    7. Fred
    8. Anya
    9. Spike
    10. Illyria
    11. Harmony
    12. Xander
    13. Lorne
    14. Lilah
    15. Andrew

  15. Shane,
    I have loved, loved, loved reading this. It took me a couple of sittings, one of which was my bubble bath yesterday. I got so absorbed with the details and examples in your writing, I didn't realize the water had gotten cold and it was time to get out! Thank you for the time and effort you put into this. Even when I read a name and thought, "What? How could he ..." your justifications were so well thought-out, that you almost always converted me to your thinking on the matter. I must say, this was a much more enjoyable piece to read than the one published in that magazine recently. Good,- no Great work! Thanks again- Peace and be well.

  16. "Anya was originally a replacement for Cordelia. She was supposed to provide the comedic relief by speaking a little too honestly about how she's feeling. Then, something wonderful happened, Anya developed beyond that as a character. Anya became frustrated with not being able to understand humans. "

    (I doubt I'm telling you anything you don't already know, but ...)

    Actually, in S4 it was Spike who was supposed to be the Cordelia replacement, fullfill the comedic relief role and be the one in the group telling Buffy her plan was stupid and speak his mind. The Cordy/Anya similarities are obviously there, including love interest wise - but how completely confused Anya was in regard to humans was in focus even before Cordelia left the show. Just Look at her talking to Xander in The Prom and Graduation Day, Part One.

    You must also remember that Anya originally was only supposed to be in The Wish, and they brought her back solely because they needed a way to get Vamp Willow. That was when they fell in love with the character/actress. So the origin of the character had zero to do with replacing Cordy. As far as I'm aware, at neither of these points they knew that "Angel" was a go or that Cordelia would join that show.

  17. What a well written interesting peice! I loved the reviews and agree with alot of your choices ...job very well done! ;) Jorgie

    1. Oh also why wasn't oz 's credit on angel listed? (Gem of amara) :)

    2. Thank you, Jorgie! :D.

      Oz's appearance in Angel was included in the episode count, I just forgot to add it to the 'Appeared In Season(s)' section. It has now been amended. Thank you!

      - Shangel

  18. Shaneybutt, this was an amazing list. I am not a big blog reader but I read through this with a lot of interest in what you had to say. I love the way you ranked the list and truly appreciate you putting so much time into it!

    I love the way you described Lindsey, as one of his biggest fangirls I gotta say I approve! You highlighted everything I love about him and you were spot on on the other arguments for characters as well :) tis a fine list and it was my pleasure to read it.

  19. PART ONE - yep it's that big

    I think Willy is on my favourites list. What happened to him? As is Amanda, Vi, Virginia and Kendra.

    Ahhh really – couldn’t Kennedy be 51?? Of course you will get grief but you do raise valid points.

    Ahh Mr Trick, giving new meaning to drive through take aways since 1998.

    Jasmine = bitch. Poor Connor – he does have a shit life but he doesn’t want to listen to any explanations.

    Phantom Dennis!! Dennis is awesome and had the potential to be an evil horrible ghost and the fact that he is sweet, kind and caring, oh he must have been an awesome man.

    Oh Clem. I love that the potential get with the confusion when Buffy and Clem see each other in the bar – I wish Clem had of had more screen time.

    I love Anne. I was so excited when I saw her as Lily and when she showed up in Angel I got super excited. I just wish we saw more of her.

    I agree Holland Manners should have been kept around longer – who let Whedon know that Manners was liked? Come on, fess up?

    Haha, I love that Principal Woods “doing” Faith is a factor of why he is on your list.

    Shit, this is gonna be a long comment!

    Groo! Yay! So glad to see him on here :) I wish we knew more about him. And hell, if Cordy doesn’t want him, I sure as hell will. I’d take that one for the team. Oh, hehe, I’d forgotten about the demon whore house. Hahahaha.

    Ahh, Ethan Rayne – I thank thee for Halloween chaos, Randy Bandy Candy and chasing Maggie Monster Giles :) (my fave 3 Ethan eps)

    I understand Holtz being upset and angry and needing revenge but you DO NOT MESS WITH A KID’S LIFE!! But I admire Joss for taking us to where some daren’t go.

    Hahaha. “The ultimate evil can't even wipe its own ass” Bahahahaha.

    Caleb terrified me – he’s up there with the Gentlemen. He seemed undefeatable till he had to split.

    Hey digressing is allowed. I do it all the time. Wait, it’s still allowed right?

    Ok, I like the Master for the fact that we get the Fanged Four – because Spike oh, if there was no Spike things would suck. Or not as the case may be. Warren – I hate him but I understand him being here. I wish Riley had of met Warren – I mean put Warren and Spike side by side, soul or no soul and Spike doesn’t look so horrible now huh Riley? It is weird how Warren’s flaying doesn’t make me feel that sick. Perhaps because I felt he deserved it.

    I liked Harmony, unicorn obsession and all, until her betrayal of Angel and the team.

    I like Riley for the most part. But he had issues and blamed Buffy for them. It was wrong of him to issue the relationship ultimatum. And quite cruel. Buffy is The Slayer. She has to choose protection of the world over a relationship so can't pretend she isn’t as strong as she is. Also, he just needs to get over it.

    Aww, I love that scene in The Prom where Jonathan awards Buffy the Class Protector. Her smile just melts me.

    I loved Snyder in Band Candy – he is just hilarious – “foxy ladies”, really? Hahahaha, who knew he had it in him!

    Dawn does change dramatically. My opinion of her changes more as I get older.

    Glory had me worried. It broke my heart what she did to Tara. She could enter Buffy’s home with no issue and that in itself is terrifying.

    I was actually sad when Lilah was killed and touched when Wes tried to get her out of her contract.

    Lindsey losing (stupid word for it – he didn’t lose it, it was on the floor. After it got cut off. It wasn’t lost) his hand was an amazing unexpected scene and showed the lengths Angel would go.

    Oh Andrew, your entertainment value is priceless. You got Spike talking about onion flowers. And your love for Spike is too cute. And you have a big board!

    Oh I tried so hard to hate Illyria. It didn’t work. And she needed to do more violence.

    Aww, the Mayor. He makes Faith feel wanted and Faith, in a dress. Hold the phone and what the hell?! He is a miracle worker!

    Waa! Doyle. Oh Doyle was so likeable and he was loveable, sweet and caring and oh so adorable. I’ll stop now before I embarrass myself.

  20. PART TWO

    Bat-shit crazy Dru - oh so true. She must have been an interesting woman before Angel drove her insane.

    Darla is just amazing. She has such as awesome character arc. I was shocked when she staked herself so Connor could be born and I thought she was just awesome in that moment, to have such clarity.

    Joyce! I love Joyce, she is such an awesome parent. She has much to deal with during the show – Buffy being the Slayer, Dawn not being hers but feeling like she is and oh Joyce and Spike are one of my favourite duos. She may have made some questionable decisions but she is always there in the end. She reminds me a bit of my mum.

    I love that Joss has a gay couple and that it was played out as normal because it is fecking normal! And I love Tara. I love that she is always there for her friends.

    You know my love for Oz. It knows no bounds. I love that he learnt to control the wolf, for the most part. Oz has the best lines and Seth delivers them so perfectly and he conveys so much just through facial expressions alone.

    Lorne, the loveable demon with the unfortunate name. He is awesome except, I don’t like that he never said anything about Fred after she sang (You are my sunshine, forever changed for me). But perhaps that is understandable, especially if it was inevitable.

    I love Gunn. I love where he came from, but he doesn’t really grow as a character till he gets a brain-upgrade which by the end of season 5 I felt he shouldn’t have got, despite it not being his fault, then I forgave him because despite trying very hard to hate her, I love Illyria. And yes, it really wasn’t his fault. I just can't get over Gunn being terrified of rats though.

    Anya – I love her brutal honesty. I find it refreshing. I cried at her breakdown in The Body – I understand where she was coming from. I was gut-wrenched when she got killed.

    Angelus is so dastardly and truly evil – he gives The First a run for its money and he brings us some awesome quotes and a stronger Buffy. Posing Jenny made for a chilling, devastating scene, the followed on to the scene where Buffy and Willow find out and that kills me. And when he was locked in the cage, then faith gets out and oh he makes for fantastic TV viewing!

    I love Fred. I think everyone needs a Fred friend. “You’re evitable” – oh, I just love her!

    Haha, Darth Faith! I can’t believe she’s only been in 26 eps though. Faith does go through a tremendous character arc and growth thoughout her time in the Buffyverse. I didn’t want to forgive her and like her when she broke down with Angel but I couldn’t help it. She does have a bit of a shit life.

    Xander!! I still get confused why I love him so much. I love Oz so much more. Perhaps it came after Oz left and I needed some other form of funny  I love that Xander is “the seer” like Dawn says, perhaps that is his special power.

    Wesley is such a loveable dork at first and boy how he changes! Haha “flag-up-his-ass.” I did hate him for taking Connor, until I read somewhere – probably from you – that he thought he was doing the right thing, trying to protect Connor. I was so sadden by Wes’ death and so grateful for Illyria’s “Would you like me to lie to you now?”

    Cordy! From Ultimate Bitch to Higher Power it is an amazing growth of character. I hated the Jasmine arc for Cordy. It hurt that Cordy was used in that way and for the audience to think she had gone evil. I wish she had of been seriously injured in a fight and died in a coma if that’s why she had the whole coma – wasn’t there some kind of squabble involving Charisma. I know they had to fit the pregnancy in but who oh why couldn’t they have her in a fight and end up in a coma? You bastard Joss. I like the idea of Cangel – they are comfortable and cozy whereas I find Bangel to be too angsty.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Giles. Such a superb man! I love his sass, sarcasm and dry humour. I just love him. I wish my father was like Giles. I love finding our Giles’ backstory. His history still shows through his character (killing Ben, for example). It always puzzled me why the council had an issue with his “father’s love” for Buffy – she was a Slayer that lived for a lot longer than was probably normal, sure, she died twice, but minor details people. Minor details. I never thought of Giles leaving coinciding with everthing going to hell in a handbasket. Good point Cap’n.

    Oh Willow, adorable, delightful nerd-geek to confident Wiccan to crazy, dark-magics wielding woman and then recovery girl. I loved watching Willow’s growth throughout the years, even Wicked Willow, because we got Yellow Crayon Speech :) I too shall gloss over the K disaster (don’t even get me started, I’m not putting her name, just being grateful for the Origins fanfic.)

    I love Angel flashbacks. They help show his development so well, but also raise great debates about his soul. I love Angel more once he moves to LA I must say – who knew he could be so funny!

    Spike, oh where to begin! He is amazing and yes, an anomaly amongst vampires. I love hoe he says “I’ve always been bad” and we see in flashback that this is far from truth. Even as a vampire he still wants to save his mum (Dru’s face when he tells her that is priceless) and turns her. Angelus just ate his family. The look on Spike’s face when he stakes her is heartbreaking. She isn’t what he thought she would be. I feel for him there. I love that he went out and fought for his soul. This puts him above Angel for me, if nothing else. Angel was cursed, Angelus certainly didn’t want his soul back, yet Spike an “evil, soulless thing” sought his out to be a better man for Buffy. Then he saves the world and continues the fight for the side of good in LA, alongside Angel, who he doesn’t particularly like – Spike is just an amazing character who keeps you guessing. “Dem cheekbones” aren’t exactly bad either.

    There isn’t much to say after what you’ve said about Buffy, except, yes, she may make mistakes but she’s human and I think the other characters forget that. It’s like being the Slayer guarantees that she will make the right decisions, something I disagree with. She has super-human strength and abilities designed to fight the demons of the world. But she’s still human, and human’s make mistakes. I just feel like the other characters – Xander cough cough – crucify her for any and all mistakes and that sucks. Buffy is an awe-inspiring and amazing woman and a wonderful role model and I thank Whedon for her, even if the asshat breaks my heart every second episode.

    Wow! You did it! What an amazing list Shangel! Also, I have… counts pages… 12 and ½ pages of notepaper of notes, just for the top 50 characters. I have no idea who my top characters. My favourites yes, maybe. Top greatest? No clue. Can I just go with yours? Now I just wait for your favourite characters list! And I know mine but I highly doubt I could put them in order! So I shall save that till then. And I am at 13 pages now :) still have to read the comments from others. This list! I like it! Another! (And 5 and ¼ A4 pages :) )


  23. I've finally got round to reading your list! I agree with most of what you said, even the part where Cordelia knows Angel better than Buffy - but I think thats due to Bangels relationship ending before Buffy matured significantly. I wish Oz stayed too, it would have been great to see how the Oz and Veruca storyline could have played out. I don't hate Xander but I do feel like he was such a hypocrite, which was annoying. Plus he hated Angel Cakes!

    My Top 5 Greatest Characters would be:

    1. Buffy Summers
    2. Angel
    3. Willow
    4. Spike
    5. Giles

    1. Hi Bhavna!

      Thanks for taking the time to read it! ^_^. How can anyone possibly hate Angelcakes?!

      I agree about the Cordy/Buffy part. If Buffy and Angel had dated a few years later than they did, it would be entirely different :)

      - Shangel

  24. Great list and I sort of agree with the ranking. However I think Sarjahn should have made the list instead of Kennedy and definitely Andrew. My choices for the two most irrelevant characters in the Buffyverse. Come on! Sarjahn, a badass demon who gets off on destruction rendered irrelevant and non corporeal by magic, stuck in an urn. Scared to death of a child that "wasn't supposed to be". So scared in fact that he faked a prophecy that provided the arc for multiple seasons. Plus he actually kept up with modern times (more so than Angel) and schooled Holtz on how to take down his enemy's dad. I agree with admin about the verse not using Gunn enough. I kept waiting to see him break down over his sister being turned and him having to kill her. We didn't see him suffer enough for that tragedy. In fact he suffered more on screen when he learned he was ultimately responsible for Fred's death. I blame him because he KNEW firsthand how evil W&H was and he KNEW through working with AI that magic isn't the only thing that has it's consequences. I liked him and Fred together but I liked Wes and Fred better. I think a lot was lost on not developing Gunn's character and his insecurity over being just "the muscle" was trite. How could he be "the muscle"? Angel was the vampire, you know preternaturally strong and all that. The only reason I can think of for Gunn not mourning his sister more was perhaps Joss didn't want another broody character competing with his titular character. If that was the case perhaps Alonna should have lived and become a big bad in her own right or behind the scenes. I liked Doyle but I couldn't get over the fact that Whistler should have been Doyle so to speak. I hated that Doyle had to die. Way to pull our heart strings in just nine eps Mr Whedon. I loved Kate and wish she would have been recast. She was a better character than that wolf girl Nina (yuck). Most of the characters I had issues with as far as development and their use were on Ats. BTVS made better use of their characters overall. Sure there were some characters I hated :Dawn, Xander the aforementioned Andrew and Kennedy. I found some to be under utilized: Amy, Larry the Cordettes. I wished some characters would have been used more and or not killed so soon- Billy Ford, Jonathan, Mr. Trick, Alan Finch. There were some characters that I loved but were only on screen once- Michael from Gingerbread and some characters that could have had more of an on screen backstory in flashbacks. Amy and Faith come to mind. Hell Faith never even had a last NAME until the comics. I would have liked to know how Spike and Clem became friends. I have a feeling it has something to do with the loan shark Spike got involved with before the events of Tablula Rasa. I wish we would have seen more of Xander's parents. Perhaps I wouldn't have hated him as much if I would have known what he had to deal with. All in all a well thought out analysis of the characters Shangel :)

  25. this seemed pretty spot on to me. even when i didn't necessarily agree with you, your reasons won me over. i love the buffy world so much, and it's nice to see the same love from others.

  26. Love your list. But just as a slight correction, many of the characters appeared after their death again, and not only as the First. Joyce's last episode is "Normal again", Jonathan and Warren appear in Andrew's fantasies in "Storyteller", Principal Snyder is in "Restless" and the Mayor appears in Faith' dream in "This Years Girl". ;-)

    1. Thanks for reading, Hui Buh! :). Yeah, I'm aware of that, but I decided to ignore appearances as The First or dream sequence appearances and just stick to legitimate character appearances :)

      - Shangel

  27. I like Connor. I don't get why no one likes him? & I love Riley. Spike is ugh to me now. Overrated in my opinion, but I used to love him. I think I find him overrated now because Angel gets the snuff and Spike gets all the love on the internet. That is just so annoying. No, I still love Spike. INNER TURMOIL! AHHH!

    Great list Captain! I'm glad I read it! :D

  28. Hi Shane. I read everything you wrote and I liked it very much. About this list...basically I agree with your considerations. However, two things left me with some doubts. The first is your too quick (in my opinion) absolution of Gunn for Fred's death. I agree that he only signed a paper, but by the time he did it, he wasn't that naive not to feel that there must have been something wrong with that paper. It was the payment for a very expensive procedure. He simply didn't care and this makes him guilty. From my point of view guilt comes not only from bad action, but also from disreguarding the consequences of every single choice we make. The second is the fact that you don't mention the great betrayal of Giles towards Buffy. When they all gang together to send Buffy away from her house, Giles, in my opinion, acts only out of petty revenge for the dismissal he received from Buffy after the "kill Spike" fiasco. As you said, more than once, he is the adult and I really don't understand how on earth he could agree to let Buffy be thrown out alone in that crucial moment. There. I said it. Now I can tell you how great your work on the Buffyverse is :-) I love your reviews and I am avidily waiting for more. I love the way you point out aspects of the characters or the plot I've never considered. Your insights are very profound, and your comments and gif very funny. Thank you!

  29. I'm never going to agree with anyone who gives Xander a really hard time over his lie in 'Becoming', for two very important reasons.

    1) Xander hates vampires. Soul or not, he hates them, because a Vampire killed his best friend. Period. Sure, there were times he worked with Angel and later with Spike too, but he doesn't like them. He never has, and he probably never will.

    Sure, its annoying to a certain degree when you consider the good things Angel has done, and the good things Spike would later do as well. But even soulful Angel caused heartbreak and pain, and there's that pesky curse to worry about too. Its very consistent and very understandable.

    2) More importantly in the context of the season 2 finale is the fact that Angelus has caused so much trouble, Xander wants him gone, and justifiably so. Let's look at the scorecard, Jenny Calendar: dead. Kendra: dead. Willow: In the hospital. Giles: kidnapped and tortured. And he himself is sporting a cast thanks to a vampire breaking his arm, and Angelus is behind every bit of it.

    Furthermore, when it was all said and done, Buffy very nearly got herself killed fighting Angelus. If she'd had that nugget of hope that Willow would get Angel ensouled, she may have held back and finished up dead. It was a useful lie that may have saved Buffy's life. And, after all, that's what Xander does.

    Also, you talk about Xander's immaturity, and very rightly so because sometimes he did stupid things. But let's also mention his wisdom. When he had a chance with a spell-altered Buffy in "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered", he refused to take it. He could have bragged about saving everyone in "The Xeppo", but kept that private victory to himself. And let's not forget his indirect saving of the world by resuscitating Buffy, and his direct saving of the world in "Grave".

    Now, with that out of the way, I pretty much agree with his placement on your list :)

  30. Spike as #2 is very accurate. In my humble opinion, Spike is the best vampire to ever be on a tv screen. The way he goes from villain to hero after falling in love with Buffy is absolutely inspiring. The way he has no problem taking care of Dawn makes him that much better.

  31. I think that is the best top Buffyverse characters I've ever read, because it doesn't place them based purely on personal opinions, it considers their importance and their impact. In the latter aspects, Buffy will always be #1.
