Synopsis: “With her mother gone, Buffy finds herself broke, jobless, and taking care of a house that’s falling apart and haemorrhaging money. To make matters worse, Buffy is still having severe problems adjusting to life after being dragged out of Heaven by her friends, and a new trio of ‘super-villains’ have arisen in Sunnydale and send a demon to rob a bank for them just as Buffy is applying for a loan.”
Friday, 28 November 2014
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Angel, "That Old Gang Of Mine" Review (3x03)
Synopsis: “Gunn finds himself stuck between his old gang and his new team after he discovers that a string of brutal and indiscriminate demon murders were committed by his former gang. Even Caritas – a sanctuary for demons, vampires, and humans alike – isn’t immune to the devastation and Gunn is forced to make a choice once and for all.”
Friday, 21 November 2014
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, "After Life" Review (6x03)
Synopsis: “An unseen force is taking over the Scoobies one at a time. Could this spirit be somehow connected to Buffy’s resurrection? Meanwhile, Buffy is desperately struggling to adjust to life back on Earth and she confides in Spike the reason for this.”
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Angel, "That Vision Thing" Review (3x02)
Synopsis: “When Cordelia’s visions start manifesting as painful physical wounds, Lorne uses telepathy to discover why this is happening to her and how it can be stopped. It appears that Wolfram & Hart are behind the violent visions and Lilah won’t stop them until Angel breaks a vicious criminal out of a Hell dimension for her.”
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, "Bargaining Part Two" Review (6x02)
Synopsis: “As a gang of demon bikers attack, the Scoobies are chased away from Buffy’s gravesite, thinking that the resurrection was a failure. Little do they know, it worked and the Slayer is now alive again, right where they left her...under the ground in her coffin. Buffy has to punch and claw her way out of her own grave. The Slayer is back, but she’s disoriented and thinks she’s in Hell. The Scoobies must convince her otherwise before she commits suicide all over again.”
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Angel, "Heartthrob" Review (3x01)
Synopsis: “Angel has been away for the summer, trying to cope with Buffy’s death. After returning to Los Angeles, Angel stakes a female vampire who recognises him and calls him ‘Angelus’ before she turns to dust. Now, her grief-stricken lover, Angelus’ old hunting companion, is out for vengeance against Angel.”
Saturday, 8 November 2014
"Hallowhedon 6" Review
Guests met and discussed in this review :-
• Clare Kramer
• Mark Metcalf
• Troy Blendell
• Andy Umberger
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, "Bargaining Part One" Review (6x01)
Synopsis: “It’s a dark and miserable world without the Slayer. Buffy is dead and the Scooby Gang have survived the summer the best they can without her. Due to Buffy’s mystical death, Willow fears that Buffy is trapped in some Hell dimension and she’s not going to leave her there to suffer eternal torment. Therefore, Willow, Tara, Xander, and Anya decide to perform a resurrection spell to bring Buffy back from the dead.”